•Chapter 17•

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Dragging the hood of her tattered jacket over her head, the woman quickly placed her arm back under the little baby she had not so long ago given birth to. The mother of the baby made quick turns around different corners of rundown buildings and houses.

The woman stopped around one corner, poking her head out to see if the people that were after her weren't nearby.

Whence seeing there was know one in the area to see what she was doing, she walked over to the end of the alleyway and placed the baby down behind some boxes, fixing the cloth that covered the baby before saying her final words to her child.

"I'm sorry Annie that I have to leave you in a town like this.. to be honest, you're father wasn't to happy when he found out I was going to have you but, I promise... when I get enough money I'll find you okay.. and then we-" The woman stopped talking when she heard footsteps.

She tugged the hood of her tattered jacket more over her head, now hiding her short blonde hair that was tied into a low ponytail.

She turned to her baby as she rubbed her thumb against the baby small cheek.

"I so sorry you can't be born with a good life... but, just know that mama loves you.. okay." She said as she broke down into tears, hiccuping and sniffling here and there .

This ended up alerting the people that were after her of her location as they rounded the corner to the alleyway.

"She's here!" A man said towards his friends.

"NO.. PLEASE STOP, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR PLEASE-" The woman was cut of when one of the men covered her mouth.

"We know you didn't do anything, but business is business, and we're going to get a hand full of cash from your drug-lover of a husband." The man that covered her mouth said before slitting her throat.

Her body became weak after a while and ended up falling to the ground when the man let her go.

All the loud noise ended up awake the baby as she stared crying.The men looked toward the boxes seeing the child there.

"Should we kill it?" One asked.

"No, it'll die anyway ways, just leave it." The other said, pull out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Let's just go." He added on.

The group of men walked away from the scene like nothing happened.

"Get back to work Annie, come on the enemy won't wait for you to catch your breath when you're in a fight." Your father said as you panted, your hands on your knees.

You were practicing your kicks nearly all day. Your father placed his hand on your shoulder as he added on to what he was saying.

"So I won't ether."

That was your breaking point, you scream as you took your fighting stance, lifting up your right leg and forcefully kicking your father's leg.

He crouched down holding his injured leg as you panted.

You screamed once more as you repeatedly kicked your father's leg.

It was the next day when your father arrived home. He stood in the doorway a walking stick in his right hand as his left leg was bandaged up.

"So, according to the doctor.. I will probably be walking with a limp for the rest of my life." He said.

You looked down ashamed of what you did as your father walked up to you.

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