•Chapter 12•

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"Annie, I'm so sorry.. I don't expect you to forgive me but, please just stand your ground even if the whole world is against you, they'll despise you, they won't understand but.. you're dad will, promise me you'll be safe okay. After I give you this injection, you won't remember anything about this incident but I you'll remember somehow, just... just know that I love you and that I'm sorry for being so harsh towards you."

Is what the blurry figure said as it looked like they were bringing a needle closer to your little arm.


You're eyes shoot open as you abruptly jolted up with a loud gasp, cold sweat ran down your forehead as your breathing was unsteady.

The sound of your heart beating fast against your chest was all you could hear.

When you finally calm your breathing you could hear sizzling, you look at your body seeing how you had a stub of an arm and a leg as steam rows out of them.

Your left arm was missing around your shoulder, and you right leg was slowly regenerating around your knee. You felt tired as you look around your surroundings seeing you were in a unfamiliar places.

It was dark in the room you were in, you sat somewhere in the middle of the room closer to the wall.

You placed your hood over your head as you could hear yelling from the other side of the door.

"Nezuko!" Your eyes widened at the familiar voice.

'Tanjiro, what is he doing here wait, where is this here, he said nezuko, is she here as well?!" You thought, worried for him and nezuko's safety.

Wait, when did you ever start carrying for there safety, and why were you worried about them in the forest.

Suddenly, the shoji doors opened letting light into the room. You could see around ten or twelve people, as two little girls that looked identical led a man who looked sick inside, as the rest of the nine strangers sat themselves behind the man.

Your head was looking down as you examined each and very person closely. There where two females and seven males. They all seemed to be wearing the same uniform as tanjiro.

The two girls lit a oil lamp that sat in the corner of the room the left.

"She doesn't look to shabby." A tall male said quietly to a male with fire like hair as he nodded.

"Who cares about that, she could be a threat, did you not hear what you're crow said?" A guy with heterochromia eye's said with venom in he's voice.

"I'm still surprised when I hear she came out of the nape of a giant female body." Said a female with a butterfly hair clip.

"Why are there markers on her face, and we're are her limbs?" Asked a boy with mint blue eyes as he looked like he was steering off into space.

"How could someone this cute pose as a threat?!" Asked a soft female voice as a coat of blush appeared on her cheeks.

The rest steered at you on guard if you were to do anything, the man who looked sick raised his hand to quiet the whisper, he placed his hand down after it was all quiet the only sound in the room was the sound of sizzling as you healed.

"Please, tell me you're name child." He spoke in a soft voice that it took you by surprise.

"Annie, Annie Leonhart." You introduced.

"Hello Annie, if you are wondering where you are, you are at the demon slayer headquarters, I had recently received information last night that you were found roaming around mount natagumo in a giant female body, am I correct?" He asked gently.

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