Chapter 1/2 The Hunger Strikes

Start from the beginning

Peyton then swiftly walks forward, grabs Liv and forcefully turns her around to look at her. "At least look at me when I'm talking to you...Jeez, you are pale, even paler than normal!"

Liv's eyes are wide, afraid and intently focused on Peyton's face, almost staring straight through her. All she can see is a brain talking to her, rather than Peyton. Her mouth starts watering despite her best efforts.

"Why are you looking straight through me?" She asks, sounding a bit worried.

Her stomach then decides to play traitor and make a loud, angry gurgling sound that sends shocks of pain throughout her whole body, causing her to tense up a bit and grit her teeth. "That...hurt..."

"Good lord! Are you feeding yourself?! I mean you ate pretty well over the weekend so i...i just don't understand. What is happening, Liv?" She exclaims.

"I am...but I'm not." She replies cryptically. It is technically the truth. She misses the taste of real food.

Liv's phone starts ringing from her pocket.

"I need to..." She loses her train of thought for a moment. "...t-take that."

"I worry about you Liv." Peyton lets go of her and walks away.

She picks up the phone and answers it. It's a call from her partner, Clive, telling her to head down to Seattle PD.


"I can not believe we have had only one, singular homicide in three weeks! And that was an easy solve too, just a simple hunting accident! Maybe they just got really good at hiding the bodies??" Clive is talking to one of his co-workers in Seattle PD as Liv comes stumbling into the room. The lack of nutrition is really taking its toll. She is shambling uncoordinatedly across the room, stumbling into things, brushing too closely to both walls and people and even knocked over a guy's trash can. She doesn't even notice and keeps walking forward. Her skin is even paler than usual, somehow, there are bags underneath her eyes and she is just staring off into space lifelessly. If she wasn't so out of it, she would notice that her gait resembles the shambling walk of the undead she has seen in all those movies she has watched.

Clive notices and pulls out a chair for her to sit in. "Seems like you did not get enough sleep during your weekend off." He snickers.

Liv just groans in response, plopping into the seat. She wanted to actually say something to him, try to explain what is going on, anything, but her mind is currently short-circuiting, having a hard time thinking of anything coherently, let alone coherent speech. Her mind is currently shrouded in fog. All she feels right now is hunger, above all else. It's nearly all she can think about.

"So you know why I called you in here right? We are going to talk about some cases that went cold a while back that we now have time to investigate? You could do your psychic voodoo stuff to help out?" He says, looking at her. She looks so tired, he just wants to make sure she even remembers what she is here for.

She looks up at him, and her eyes immediately widen. Instead of seeing her partner Detective Clive Babineaux, she instead sees a delicious dancing ham dripping with meat juices where his head should be. She rubs her eyes, but it doesn't go away. She has been dealing with these hallucinations for a little while now, but this has got to be one of the most convincing she has seen thus far. Her mind is so fogged she can barely even register that this is a hallucination and not reality. She starts drooling.

"Uh..." Clive takes a step back. Something about Liv is really freaking him out today. He does not like the way he is being looked at. Normally when she zones out like this, she is having one of those freaky psychic visions, but this does not seem like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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