Friends into lovers

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Ok so this is part two of from strangers to friends. I accidentally posted this part in part one but do like if you never saw it pls.

Warning: hell nah

A few months later...

As I was getting ready to go to school, I looked at jj who was laying in my bed. Since a few week I became to hangout more with him and his friends. They were all so kind towards me and my other friends were just so fake with me. Of course I still had a crush on jj and everyone knew it but I would not admit it. We started dating a few weeks ago and honestly it's just so great. Tonight, we would go eat at the wreck, where we had our first kinda date. I couldn't wait!

After school...

I went straight to Kie's home to get ready as fast as I could and then go see jj at the restaurant. After putting some mascara and a little bit of lip balm I went downstairs.

-There you are cupcake, I've been waiting for you all day!
-Stop being so dramatic, I said as I was rolling my eyes, you saw me in every class dumbass.
-Maybe but you were not as hot as right now.

I blush slightly. He also looked very cute. He still had his messy hair but he had washed them and had some clean clothes for once in his life.

As we were walking to the restaurant, he slowly took my hand. I looked at him and saw he was already staring. The eye contact lasted a long time. But it ended to soon when jj ran into a panel. I laughed at him and his clumsiness. He was for sure going to have a bruise on the forehead.

There we finally where, the wreck. We decided to take a seat in another place that the bar, where we would always sit so we could talk to Kie at the same time. Jj sat in front of me and took the menu. I knew reading was difficult for him so I explained to him exactly what each meal was. I had worked there for one year so I knew how it worked. He listens to me carefully and looked me right in the eyes at every second he could. We ordered our meal and started to talk as normal.

We just had finished and I had payed, I refused to let my blonde boy pay for something so dumb. I notices that jj seemed a little more nervous than normally. We said goodbye to kie and she did me the sign of a phone to her head while saying call me later. Of course she wanted to know the whole details of this date. She already had planned our wedding.

Once we were finally outside, jj took my hand for a second time and looked me dead in the eyes.

- Yn, I have something really important to tell you
- Mhmm...
- Fuck it.

And then he kisses me. His lips where so soft and sweet. It just made me fall even more in love with him.

- I love you yn.
- I love you too, jj.

A few months later...

Me and Jj have been together for 4 months now and it just feels so good. It's like a big hug you never wanna let go of and never will. When I go to sleep I just can't stop smiling because I've got the boy of my dreams. He showed me he loved me and has been so kind and adorable and sweet. He keeps telling me his lucky to have me. I love him so so much.

Ok so idk if I am really done with this story or not because you know in the song it also says and strangers again but idk I'll see if there's something that's going to like break them up ig...

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