Going the extra Milo

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To many people, you were considered "weird". It wasn't because of your looks or because of your adoptive family. In that regard, you were very much normal. You were an all "A" student, you loved to write, and you were content with a small group of close friends in your life. You also had a short temper and a quick tongue, and the sometimes problematic willingness to protect your friends with your life.

That was part of why you and your best friend Zack could be seen walking down the street in your new neighbourhood to get on the bus to your new school. You spent your time casting your e/c eyes around at the other kids at the stop. Thoughts popped into your head as you did so, as firmly as if it were fact.

Dark haired asian kid: We are NOT going to get along

Tall black kid: Sports kid. We're not going to talk much.

Stocky blonde kid: Actually really sweet.

That was another thing about you. You had the uncanny ability to predict things before they happened. Like whether Zack would make the lacrosse team (He didn't).

When you looked around again, your eyes landed on a cheerful looking boy with brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was grinning as if his entire world was going his way, and he carried an enormous backpack over his shoulders. As you looked, a single thought appeared in your mind.

I'm gonna marry that kid

Your next thought was "Where the hell did that come from?!"


You shook your head and glanced at Zack again.

All the kids who were previously standing next to you were staring at the brunette boy, several paces away from where they were standing before. You frowned and looked at the kid. He didn't seem bothered.

Zack seemed confused as well.

"What's that all about?"

The boy looked at you and Zack.

"Oh, you two are new here," he smiled. "I've got a bit of a reputation."

You looked at Zack. He shrugged. You smirked. "So, what are you? A tough guy?"

If he was, he sure didn't look the part. The boy smiled again.

"Oh, I don't think anyone's ever called me tough. I'm Milo!"

Zack took the boy's extended hand. You took the other one.

"I'm Zack."

"I'm Y/n."

There were whispers behind you, followed by frantic gestures. You ignored them. Jerks. This guy seems super nice!

"We were best friends at our old school. It's super nice to meet you!" You smile.

Zack set his hands on his hips. "So what exactly is this reputation?"

"Well, people have used the 'J' word, but you know what they say! 'Sticks and stones can damage your vital organs so always wear body armor!'"

"Hey Milo!" Called a voice. Milo turned.

"Hi Melissa!"

A girl with red hair and pale blue eyes strolled over, toting her green backpack.

BESTIE! Your mind shouted.

The girl, Melissa, looked around before cautiously taking a step back.

"I'm just gonna stand over here."

Milo gave her a thumbs up. "Good call!"

They started conversing about Milo's weekend and a new scar he had gotten. You were confused. VERY confused.

Spoiler Alert: I marry a MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now