Chapter 4: A Quiet Night

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After dinner, the group decided to settle in for the night. Crunchy Chip and Gingerbrave found a chess board and were playing... their rendition of chess, if you could call it that.

"No! Please, your majesty! The princess doesn't want to marry the prince! She only wants me!" Gingerbrave tapped his knight piece against the board, making it speak, "Yes father! Please! I love him! I want to be with him!" Gingerbrave said in a higher pitch voice, making the rook piece and the knight hug each other, he made kissing noises.

"No, if you want my daughter's hand in marriage, then you must battle me first." Crunchy Chip said in a very deep voice, he made his king stomp against the board, he shook the queen, "No! Honey please! She's our daughter!" He switched back to the king, "Silence! The fate of our kingdom is in the hands of this marriage!"

"Okay, I'll go make out with the cute stable boy now." Crunchy Chip made the queen piece walk off the board.

Gingerbrave triumphantly held up his knight, "If it's a battle you want, then battle we shall! Take this! Hiyah!"

Crunchy Chip and Gingerbrave smashed their pieces together. Wildberry watched them from across the lounge, reading a romance novel.

"I don't think that's how you play chess." He commented.

"Oh, neither of us know how to play," Gingerbrave said, "We just like the pieces." Crunchy Chip knocked Gingerbrave's knight out of his hand, "Noooo!"

"Ha! Ha! I win! The princess shall marry Prince Cookie! The Cookie in the iron mask shall be cast into the Licorice Sea!" Crunchy Chip proclaimed.

"Not quite!" Gingerbrave grabbed his knight off the floor, "With the power of the sugar swan feather, I shall resurrect back to life, and fight the tyrannical king once again!"

"Wait, we didn't agree on using treasures, did we?" Crunchy Chip scratched the back of his head, "in that case, I use the power of the jelly watch, and the blind healer's staff!"

Gingerbrave gasped loudly, he and Crunchy Chip slammed their pieces together in a fight.

Madeleine came into the room in his bathrobe and cold face mask, with a tea tray, "I brought some tea if anyone wants some before bed."

"Almost time for bed already?" Gingerbrave yawned, "what time is it?"

Espresso checked his watch, "it's 10:09."

Wildberry stretched, and cracked his knuckles, "I think I better get ready for bed, it's been a long day."

"Me too," Gingerbrave yawned, "Crunchy Chip, are you still planning on sleeping outside?"

Crunchy Chip scratched his Cream wolf behind the ears, "Well since apparently everyone wants me to sleep inside for once, I'm just going to sleep inside." He got up and headed for the door, "let's go bud, us warriors need our sleep."

The cream wolf got up, and padded behind Crunchy Chip. Crunchy Chip stopped in front of the door, and turned back to the others, "But I am NOT using the bed!" He slammed the door hard behind them.

Madeleine winced and turned back to the others, "Well, I'm off to bed now, my face needs to be well rested if I'm going to be in public tomorrow, can't have a tired face." He yawned and left the room, "Good night Gingerbrave, good night Espresso, good night Wildberry, sleep well."

"You too Madeleine."

Gingerbrave and Wildberry left the room leaving Espresso by himself.

Espresso sat quietly in the now empty lounge area, he was now alone and finally to himself. Espresso let out a soft sigh, the night time was a rather peaceful time, usually he would spend that time working on research projects or grading papers, except this time he didn't have either of that to work on. Espresso cursed himself for not handing out assignments before he left so he had something he could work on here.

🍪🏠Cookie Run: Week in the Slums🏠🍪जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें