Chapter 3: Dinner with the Aunties

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The Cookies were treated to a nice dinner that night. Everyone was starving after a long day of traveling, and the smell of food made them even hungrier. Naturally, they were all excited when the servants came into the dining room with a cart of food. The first course was a light orange jelly soup, and salad.

"Whoa, this looks amazing!" Gingerbrave dove right into the soup with his dinner spoon, "I'm starving!"

"Make sure to save room for the main course and dessert." Madeleine said as he placed his napkin in his lap, and took small bites of his salad with his salad fork.

Wildberry tasted the soup, "mm, this is very good."

Grand Madeleine smiled, "You're welcome, would you like a glass of our aged juice?" She passed a bottle over to Wildberry, "I think you'll enjoy it, it has a nice rich flavor, and freshly squeezed from the vineyards of the Hollyberry Kingdom. They make such great juice over there."

"I think I will pass, thank you." Wildberry placed the bottle in the center of the table, "I don't drink."

"Really? I thought all Hollyberrians enjoy juice." One of Madeleine's aunts commented.

"Remember that time we went juice tasting with Mulled Juice Cookie?" One of the other aunts piped up.

"Oh yes, that was wonderful! We had such a good time that day, we had a picnic in the vineyard, and tasted some of the best juices. Oh they were so delicious, what was that one you had that had cinnamon sticks and orange?" The third aunt recalled.

"And the star anise? I think it was called orange sunrise." The first aunt said.

"Oh yes! I remember it now."

Wildberry cleared his throat, "Not all Hollyberrians enjoy juice. I prefer to keep a clear head. Hollyberry, not so much."

"How's Hollyberry been?" Gingerbrave asked, taking a huge forkful of salad with his dinner fork.

"She's been doing really well, she's been trying to catch up with the rest of the royal family. Princess Cookie is really enjoying spending time with her grandmother, they are trying to spend at least once a week together. The princess really looks up to Hollyberry." Wildberry took a spoonful of soup, "However, I am a bit worried about leaving the Queen mother alone."

"I'm sure Hollyberry will do just fine on her own." Madeleine reassured, "the divines will protect her from any danger."

"I'm not worried about anything hurting her." Wildberry took a quick bite from his salad, "It's just that... well... she can't really self monitor her juice consumption without me around..."

Crunchy Chip shoved a mouthful of salad, "She'll be fine, she has her son to watch her, she's an ancient, she doesn't need a babysitter. I wouldn't worry too much about her."

[Scene cuts to a drunk Hollyberry sitting in a jail cell flirting with the bench with a black eye, because she drank twenty glasses of juice and decided to pick a fight with herself, and punch herself in the eye.]

"Would you like something else to drink?" Grand Madeleine offered, "We have tea, water, milk, soda, tonic water."

"I'll have tea." Wildberry said.

"Do you want Earl gray, or lemon honey?"

"Lemon honey would be nice." Wildberry nodded.

A servant nodded and hurried back to the kitchen. Espresso spoke up.

"Um, may I ask if I could have a cup of coffee? No sugar or milk in it, just a plain, hard, black coffee."

"Espresso, you had six cups of coffee already today," Madeleine stopped the servant before he left, "Don't give him anymore coffee, he's going to be up all night trying to solve some ridiculous math problem and go complete mad scientist."

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