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August 31st.

The day before class was always very long for me, don't know if it was the excitement of doing magic again or meeting my friends, but this 31st was different, different bad. Let me explain myself.

Well, today I'm supposed to be reunited with the little family I had left, The Malfoys. Luckily I didn't have to see them always, since I live with my aunt Andromeda ever since my mother died.

My aunt Andromeda has always try to give me all the love that she can, but obviously nothing compared to the emptiness that my parents left me. Regulus Black and Cecilia Marphill.

About my dad. I grew up listening to different versions about him, which made me feel insecure about my thoughts towards him and why did they have kill him, or at least that's what everyone says. "The Dark Lord killed him"
But in the bottom of my heart i knew that wasn't the truth, something else happened to him.

Yesterday I received a letter from Aunt Narcissa inviting me to stay with them the night before class. My first instinct was to break the letter and hide.
I didn't feel like going and enduring comments about my parents or even worse, to Draco with his lousy and spoiled brat attitude.

"What if I tell her that I've got sick? I don't think she'll come here to check it out" I suggested while Aunt Andromeda helped me to do my baggage.

"Knowing my sister, she definitely will. Also, who gets sick in August?"

"So what, haven't she heard of contagious viruses? They're a thing you know. "- my comment made her laugh.

"Why are you angry anyways?"

"It's just that I honestly don't get it, she always calls me once every two years to meet them. Just so they remind me about dad and how I should be doing friends alliances with powerful people of Slytherin" I said imitating her serious tone of voice.

My Aunt Andromeda hold my hand trying to comfort me and I looked at her to thank her. I was so grateful to have her, she's the only one who didn't interfere with my thoughts or even tried to planned my future.

"Just remember who you are and don't let them confuse you, ok? I'll be right here so if you feel uncomfortable just come back."

"I'm gonna miss you Aunt." I approached her to hug her.

"Me too child." she replied accepting my hug. "Be good, and keep me informed of everything by letters."

"Sure I will."

She parted from our hug and told me.- "C'mon, they should be waiting for you."

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