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Everyone asked at the same time. Dazai smiled and went to sit on the nearest chair.
"Well you see, he has an ability"

(Mikhail pov)

Atsushi looked desoriented at me and I just clicked with my tongue in anger and crossed my arms.
"How do you know this?"
I asked.
"Fufu~ Se-cre-t~"
I wanted to start arguing but, one my anger issue is starting to show and I don't want Atsushi to see me like this. And two This man seems like some super genius so I don't see a point in further arguing. Atushi came closer to me and asked if he's telling true or is this "Dazai's" another unfunny joke. I shook my head and sighing told him that he is right I do have an ability. The name of my ability is ghost's arrow and thanks to it I can see and go through objects walls and pretty much everything I want like a ghost. I found out that I have this ability after my friend I escaped the people who adopted me with died. Then he was shot by coincidence by the black clothed man I was about to be hit by a bullet too and even covered myself with my arms. But nothing happened and then I lifted my arms from my head I saw that my body was glowing. But my head had so many thoughts in itself that I couldn't care less, and so I though that it was just a very great luck and continued on runing from the firing fields. After more, now walking for I stoped hearing the shots so loudly. Then I turned my head to the left my eyes saw someone siting on a rock. They had similiar outfit as the people that were fighting and killed Ari, and were playing some game on a console.

I made a step to the right as slowly as I bosibly could but they the someone noticed me anyway.
"A kid? What are you doing here?"
The persons voice was both manly and childish what made me wonder how he looks like so my kid self slowly turned his head.
"U-uh... I was just walking by please don't hurt me..."
The another boy's (I assume for, now that I see his face I can see that he for sure isn't an adult) eyes widened and his face tured into a very scary one.
"Hm I see... But you see I am from the port mafia so whatever age or your intention I wont hasitate to kill or worse... So I shall... Ask you to help me pass this stage in my game!"
All the fear of what will the bandaged boy do to me turned into suprise as he pated the place next to him on the rock. From being desoriented and scared I just obeyed not caring what will happen.

I sat at the rock next to the boy and he smiling lifted his console up and started explaining to me what I'm suposed to do. I listened carefuly to every word nodding once in a while until he finally said.
"Okay so now that you get it go through it for me!"
I nodded and pulled out my hands to next take the console, but... That I went to grab it my fingers went right through it. My expresion was as shoked as the boy's next to me.
"Woah!! Are you a ghost? Your hand came through my console!"
"I- I don't know wha- i don't know"
I started panicing while still trying to grab the console. The boy noticed and put his hand on my head, and as he did my hand went back to normal and I could finally grab the console so I stooed panicing.
"Did you knew?"
The boy asked.
"Knew what?"
"That you have an ability you dumbass!"
Ability? I think I heard the staff at the orphanage talk about it once... It's a pawer that some people are born with, and I have one as well?
"I didn't"
The bandaged boy started to explain more and even told me what he suspects mine was. He was realy nice, too nice.

"Hey... If you don't mind me asking, why are you so ehh not like port mafia...?"
He looked suprised but after a while his face looked very calm and peacefull like then people are asleap.
"Hmm well actually, I'm the most scary and dangerous member of the port mafia! But today I guess is just not my day..."
A few last words he ended with a more sad expresion. I didn't realy know what to do so I just did what always helped Atsushi. I huged him.

The boy was so suprised at one point he started to woble and I thought he's going to fall of the rock, but luckly didn't.I observed as he brought his hand up to his mouth and started to intensivly think. Finally boy gasped as if signaling that he was done with thinking about whatever he was thinking.
"Ah! I though of a name for your ability~
I waited for him to continue.
"Ghost arrow!"
"Eh- why?"
"Becauseee~ Your hands went through an object like a ghost and arrows are cool!"
"It's so dumb"
"Uhh your hurting my feelings...."

Coming back from my thoughts I saw a blonde boy walk up to me.
"Sir what's your ability I'm very courios?"
Why is a child working there..? Nevermind, I explained my ability with deatails and after finishimg two kids and Atsushi stood infront of me with shining eyes. Our little gathering was stoped by an old man coming through doors. Everyone looked at him and became serious. The man said that I am going to work there after I'm done with the entrance test. Atsushi noticed my confusion and explained that everyone there had a test like this and I have nothing to worry about. I am not worried more I could say interested.

1001 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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