Chapter 1: The Nightmare

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While Sofie dreamed about princes and Agatha dreamed about horrors, Y/n dreamed of both. It was the same dream almost every night.

She arrived at a castle ball thrown for the royal family

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She arrived at a castle ball thrown for the royal family. The hall was filled with hundreds of suitors and worthy princesses, all eager to find their perfect match. Y/n would walk into the hall alone and approach a boy with curly blonde hair. His face was chiseled and his skin was sandy brown. He was absolutely stunning. He would hold his hand out for her to take and then they would make their way to the dance floor, following the pattern that many other couples had done before them. They would sway back and forth and Y/n would stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. It was the perfect moment but it always ended horrifically. As she stared longingly at him, an evil smirk would appear on his face as he pulled a dagger from behind his back. Before Y/n could react, the boy with blonde hair would plunge the dagger into her chest causing her to wake up quickly, drenched in sweat.

"Same ending every time. I don't know why I hope it'll be different," Y/n muttered to herself as she sat up in bed.

There was a soft knock at the door as Y/n rubbed her eyes.

"Come in," she called.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal a small, frail woman. She had short grey hair that ended just above her shoulders. She was about 5'0 tall, much smaller than Y/n. Her emerald green eyes brought color to her face since the rest of her seemed like it had lost its color several years ago.

"Hey grandma," Y/n said with a smile.

"Hey, honey, I heard you cry. Was it another nightmare?" The woman asked.

"Yup. Same one every time."

"Maybe you should talk to Callis about these dreams. Having the same one often could mean something." The woman moved away from the door and sat down at the edge of the bed.

"I planned on going to visit Agatha later. Maybe I could bring it up to her then," Y/n spoke. "Though she isn't too happy with Sofie so she might not trust me enough to come in."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about dear," her grandmother said concerned.

"Go on."

"Everyone is talking about the girls who might be taken this year. There have been rumors that you or Sofie could be taken. You're both very beautiful girls with caring hearts."

"I don't think either of us will be taken to be honest."

"They want me to cut your hair with shears, dirty your face and body, and make you as smelly as possible. If that's what it takes to make sure you're not taken tonight then I might have to."

"You are not doing any such thing to me." Y/n pulled her body away from her grandmother as far as she could until her back hit the headboard.

"Sofie's dad and many other parents are putting bars, locks, and spikes on their children's bedroom windows. I think I might have them do the same to yours."

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