Shintaro's Romantic Ninja

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I think that the description of this story tells you everything. 

The rest of this story (the one not in bold) are completely written by AI. I had nothing to do with that!

The chapter's title was also made by AI.


Once upon a time in the kingdom of Shintaro, there lived a beautiful queen named Vania. She was known throughout the land for her intelligence, grace, and beauty. Vania was beloved by her people, but despite her many suitors, she had never found true love.

Meanwhile, in a far-off land, there was a black ninja named Cole. He was known for his stealth, agility, and deadly accuracy with a katana sword. Cole had been wandering the world for many years, seeking out new challenges and adventures.

One day, fate brought Cole to the kingdom of Shintaro. As he made his way through the city, he caught sight of the beautiful queen and was immediately smitten. Vania, too, was struck by Cole's dark, mysterious presence.

As they crossed paths, Vania and Cole found themselves drawn to each other. They spent many hours talking, learning about each other's lives, and exploring the beautiful countryside together.

Despite their different backgrounds and social statuses, they fell deeply in love. Cole was determined to win Vania's heart, and he vowed to do whatever it took to make her his.

Vania was hesitant at first, but as she got to know Cole better, she realised that he was not just a skilled warrior, but also a kind, loyal, and honourable man. She found herself falling more deeply in love with him every day.

Together, Cole and Vania faced many challenges and overcame many obstacles. They fought side by side against the kingdom's enemies, and their love grew stronger with each battle they won.

Eventually, Cole and Vania were married in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by their friends and loved ones. They ruled the kingdom of Shintaro together, their love guiding them as they led their people to prosperity and peace.

And so, Cole the black ninja and Vania the queen of Shintaro lived happily ever after, their love a shining example of the power of true romance.


And, that's all that AI wrote for me. It's quite short, but all in all, it only took about five minutes to create this chapter. Unlike, the other book chapters that take me a day or two to finish. 

By the way, the only things I said to ChatGPT, my AI tool for this, was this:

"Create a romantic story about Cole, the Black Ninja, and Vania, Queen of Shintaro,"

I do not know why there are no dialogues, though, I will try to tweak some things in the next chapter!

New chapters every single day!


445 Words

Conia Oneshots By: AIWhere stories live. Discover now