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Chan pov

The next weeks Jeongin and I had a few more dates to get to know each other better.

Even Lily was always excited when I picked her up from one of the other boys and asked me how it was, just like now.

"How was it? How was it? How was it?"
"Calm down.., I'll tell on our way home." I laughed at the 5-year-old.

Felix handed me Lily's bag and then both, him and Changbin, waved goodbye at the little girl, who waved back at them.

"Bye bye uncle Binnie, bye bye uncle Lix!"
"Goodbye Lily, sleep well."
"Thanks for taking care of her."
"Oh you're welcome. Anytime again."
"You know we love to take care of her." Changbin poked Lily's cheeks, which made her giggle.

"Come on, lets go home." Lily and I went downstairs and out of the building.

"Snow! Daddy look!" Lily excitedly started to jump around and stretched her arms out, trying to catch the snow. I smiled at the little girl and snatched a photo of her.

On the ride back Lily again started asking about how the date was. I gave in and talked a little about it.

"Rhetorical question. How would you find it if Jeongin and I would be..in a relationship?" The little girl looked at me with big eyes.
"Like a real relationship? Where you love each other?" Nodding I looked at my daughter for a few seconds. Lily squealed and clapped her hands.
"Yesss. So Jeongin would be my mommy? Or also daddy?"
"Depends on how he wants you to call him, but if you want to, yes."
"I think I would really like that..!"
"Really?" Nodding Lily looked at me with a smile.

"What did you do with uncle Binnie and uncle Lix tho?" I asked Lily in return.
"We baked Christmas cookies, but uncle Lix banished uncle Binnie out of the kitchen.."
"Oh why? What happened?"
"..I promised uncle Binnie not to tell you."

"Ouh come on, I'm your dad, you can trust me."
"Mhm-mhm." Lily shook her head confidently. I pouted slightly, but asked her what else they did. So the rest of the ride Lily told me about her afternoon.

After I put Lily to bed, I sat down on the couch and took out my phone.

Jeongin | Chan

I hope you liked the afternoon?
Sent 9.06pm

I put on the tv and switched through the channels, when I found a series that looked interesting, I heard my phone getting a notification.

Jeongin | Chan

I loved it!

Are you two free tomorrow? Maybe we could visit the christmas market with Lily?

I'm glad to hear that. Sure, but since tomorrow is Thursday Lily has dance lessons. What about Friday?

Right, sorry I forgot. Ofcourse, Friday is fine too.

It's okay, don't worry. Then we'll pick you up on Friday.

Sounds good, sleep well Hyung x

Sleep well too, pretty boy xx
Seen 9.42pm

I then went back on watching the series that were currently played on the tv. I worked a little more on a few new songs and went to bed myself at around 1am.

(535 words)

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