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Chan pov

In the evening Lily and I laid down on the couch and watched Frozen. At some point I was actually so tired that I just fell asleep.

But I wasn't woken up either. Instead, Lily turned to me when the movie was over and looked into my sleeping face. Smiling, she took the remote control and turned off the TV. She then cuddled up to me and also fell asleep.

I didn't notice anything at all, which is why I was more surprised the next morning.
I yawned and slowly took Lily up from me, to lay her back down on the couch, after I stood up. I put the blanket back over her and went to clean the couch table. When I finished cleaning the table I went showering and half an hour later I was back in the living room to wake up Lily.

"Wake up sweetie." The little girl mumbled something not understandable and turned to me. I slightly smiled and strechted out my arms, so she could get in, which she slowly did. I carried her to her room and together we searched for some clothes she could wear. In the end she decided on a thin, white pullover and a pastel purple skirt, under which she also wore a tight. We then went to eat something in the kitchen.

In the afternoon Lily asked me if we could go to the café we went to two weeks ago and I agreed. So ten minutes later I tied up my shoes and waited for the little girl. She got her little black handbag with a cat on it and I got my black belly bag. Lily also put her shoes and jacket on, just like me and together, hand in hand, we walked to the café nearby.

Not even 20 minutes later we stood in line to order our drinks and food.

"Welcome, what can I get you?"
"One cacoa, one espresso and two pieces of strawberry cheesecake please." The boy nodded and printed the receipt. He got our order and turned back.
"That would be 22,500₩." I took out the money and gave it to him.
"Enjoy your meal."
"Thanks." I took the plates with the cake on it and handed it to Lily. I then took our drinks and turned.

"Do you want to search for a seat?" The 5-year-old nodded and started walking around the café, but apparently we found out that there was no table left. Not even one.

"And now?" I shrugged my shoulder.
"Then we have to wait." Pouting she looked at me, which is why I pouted back. She looked around the room once more and suddenly started heading in one direction.

"Lily..!" I whisper-yelled and slowly ran after her. When I arrived at her again, I saw her sitting with her kindergarten teacher Jeongin at one table. Surprised I looked at both of them already talking. When the boy saw me he slightly bowed, which I did too.

"I'm sorry. Lily you can't just sit down with your teacher. We said we'll wait until a table is free."
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but you can sit down with me. The café is really crowded today and I'm sitting alone anyway. So if you don't have a problem with it, you are welcome to sit down." I looked at the boy again and slightly smiled.
"That's really nice from you, but we don't want to bother you."
"You wouldn't. It's okay." I bowed again and sat down infront of the boy and next to my daughter.

"How old are you?" I looked at Lily.
"Lily you know we don't ask such things."
"Yea..but I wanted to know!" I smiled at her and pushed her plate over to her.

"It's fine, I find it sweet. And if she wants to know that bad we could play rock, paper, scissors. If you win, I'm going to tell you my age and if I win, you're telling me your dad's age. Deal?" Jeongin held out his pinky finger and my daughter linked hers with his.

"You better win Lily-" I whispered.
"You know I always win rock, paper, scissors Daddy!" She brightly smiled at me and looked back at her teacher.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Lily held out paper, but apparently Jeongin held out scissors. I looked at the little girl in disbelief.

"You didn't win-"
"I know-"
"You said you would w-"
"I know b-"
"You lost."
"I know..!"

I looked at Lily.
Lily looked at me.
Jeongin looked between both of us.

(770 words)

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