However, just as he was approaching her another man stepped in front of him.

" Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time Lady Hydeton." Lord Dane smiled.

" Oh!" Jo said, taken aback his sudden appearance " No not at all, just appreciating the delicacies the event has to offer."

" Ahh I see," Lord Dane smiled down at her, a strange twinkle in his eye " and if I am not so brave to ask, where is Mr Bridgerton? It is rare a moment I don't have to steal you from his grasp." He laughed, and he looked about the room to see Collin staying with his mama taking time to glare over in Lord Dane's direction.

" Ha, I am sure his around here somewhere." Jo laughed slightly at Lord Dane's " joke".

" Well in that case, may you accompany me in going somewhere private Lady Hydeton?" Lord Dane lent down and whispered.

" Erm I am not sure that is proper my Lord." Jo laughed uneasily, and quickly scanned the room to see if anyone could get her out of this sticky situation, but everyone was occupied and Daphne and just rushed outside into the gardens.

" Nothing improper my lady, just away from prying eyes and ears that's all." He pressed on, and his piercing green eyes staring down at her so intently that for the first time in her life she felt small.

" O-okay." Jo nodded nervously, and Lord Dane smiled brightly with his dazzling white teeth.

" Perfect." He held her arm out for her and she cautiously took it. Lord Dane led her through the large Trowbridge home, taking stops at certain times to seem not suspicious or improper, till eventually he opened a door which he quickly urged Jo inside of before cautiously closing the door behind him.

The secret room Lord Dane had chosen had been the Trowbridge's library, and the lit fighter place and the few candles the room had were the only source for light. In order to distract herself from the fact that she was doing the one thing her Auntie and Violet had told her not to do ( be alone with a man... unchaperoned) she began counting the many books the Trowbridge's had.

" I know this may seem risky Josephine-" Lord Dane began.

" One, two, three..." Jo thought, as she counted the books.

" I promise, this will all have a respectable outcome-"

" Four, five, six..."

" I know this may not come as a surprise to you-"

" Seven, eight, nine..."

" But I asked your father for his permission, and he presented me your dowery-"

" Ten, eleven, twelve..."

" So, after courting you all season-"

" Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen..."

" I think it is only proper, and correct on the action I am going tonight-"

" Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty..." She began to count quicker.

" So, Josephine Hydeton-"

" twenty one, twenty two, twenty three..."

" Will you do me the honour-"

" twenty four, twenty five, twenty six..."

" Of becoming my wife."

She stopped counting. When she looked back at Lord Dane he was on one knee and presenting a very large and very expensive looking diamond ring.

" My Lord!" Jo's breath was caught in her throat.

" I believed Arthur would be the better title, considering the monumental occasion we are both in." He smiled.

She couldn't breath. Seconds had turned into minutes and minutes had turned into hours. She knew this was going to happen eventually, so why was she surprised. Maybe because she didn't think he was going to propose so soon, or even at all. Although that would be a very silly thing to think with such a respectable gentleman he is.

She why couldn't she say it. Saying " yes" would do everyone a lot of favours, for one she would no longer have to worry about the constant pressure of marrying a respectable man where she would want for nothing in their marriage. Money certainly wasn't a problem when it came to him, judging by the size of the ring. He was going to become a Duke for heaven's sake! He would be able to manage the land she would one day inherit with ease. Everything was pointing into the direction of saying yes, her papa, her Aunt, her dignity and social class, even the ton and lady Whistledown believe that they would be a worthy couple.

Which is why she says:

Authors note:


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