"Hi Gunwook, great grip. I'm Park Lily, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to. I'm your new neighbor and I saw your uniform. Do you go to SSIS??" He says with some excitement in his voice.

"What's SSIS?"

"Oh sorry. Seoul School of International Studies."

"Oh okay, yeah I do. Great to know someone there. I'll see you there, I'm going to ride with my Appa." I say as I point to the car next to us.

"Hi! I'm her Appa, please call me Mr. Kim."

Gunwook walks over to Appa's car and gives out his hand for him to shake.

Appa shakes it and starts a conversation with Gunwook.

"Hello Gunwook, how are you getting to school?"

"Oh I'm going to walk. It's only about 5 miles so it's fine." He says with a giggle. Cute giggle.

"How about you hop in? We can drop you off and you don't have to worry about walking." I recommend.

"Yeah come on Gunwook. My Appa plays the best songs in the morning."

"Oh..uh..sure! I'll join. Thank you!"

Once we all get in the car, we head to school.

~10 mins later: 07:35am~

Finally we're here! I can't stand when Appa feels the need to sing OFF-KEY!

"Thanks sir! Great car by the way. I love the interior!" Gunwook says as he's staring intensely at the car.

"Thank you kid! But no time for talking, the bell should be ringing soon and I don't wanna have my boss mad so go on." Appa response with urgency.

"Okay, bye!" I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

~standing at the entrance: 07:36am~

"He does know that school doesn't start until like 08:40, right?" Gunwook asks.

"I hope not cause that mean he woke me up at 06:00 for nothing, ugh."

"Anyways, so...what's your first class?" Gunwook asks.

"Uhh Mr. Lee's AP U.S History. You?"

"Same! We also have class with some of my other friends. Wanna meet them?"

"Sure! I'm down to make new friends."

As Gunwook and I are walking, I grab a quick glance at my surroundings.

Wow this school has a lot of people. Must be popular.

"Hey ladies, gentlemen~"

Who's that? They sound amazing.

"Oh that's Jay. He's preparing for an audition."

I guess Gunwook could tell I was intrigued.

"Oh cool. He sounds amazing. Cool that's he's singing Crush's and J-Hope's song. I like it. What's he auditioning for?"

"Our schools annual talent show. He wins every year but it's great that he isn't you know, cocky about it. He's just thankful that he wins. That's why I like him. You should meet him sometime."

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