Chapter 1

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I hate him.  Floating above the quidditch pitch on my clean sweep I can see him on the other side.  He defending the Gryffindor hoops, me defending the Slytherin hoops. 

It's the last game of our third year at Hogwarts and Slytherin is ahead.  I can see him flying back and forth in front of the hoops.  He always does this when they are losing.  He starts to lose his cool. 

He used to do the same thing in the backyard behind our houses on the makeshift pitch our dads built for us.

That's right.  We grew up right next door to each other.  Our moms are best friends still to this day.  But we don't speak.

I can see Angelina speeding towards me with the quaffle tucked tight under her arm.  I am ready.  I see her arm raise fast with the quaffle and she sends it flying right at the hoops. 

Not today.

I spin fast hitting the quaffle with the end of my broom sending it flying at Marcus Flint one of the Slytherin chasers who begins to speed toward the other end of the pitch, toward him.

I know he can see him.  It's a clear day.  There is nothing to obstruct his view other than his ego.

I look around trying to see if I can find our seeker.  He's new to the team this year.  We've been winning games so I would say he's pretty good.  But I also know Charlie Weasley is better in a lot of ways.  He's also Captain.

I scan the sky until I finally catch the glimpse of green I'm looking for.  I can see Terrance screaming threw the sky after what I can only assume is the snitch.  The bugger was always too fast for me to see.  I guess that's why I'm a keeper and not a seeker.

I always ended up being a chaser, beater, or seeker in the backyard pitch because Oliver always had to be the keeper.  It was the one position I wanted to try and he never let me. 

He spent all his time studying professional quidditch keepers, practicing the new moves on our pitch.

Our pitch.

The pitch that hasn't been touched in the last three years.  I can't bring myself to practice on it.  I had started having my dad take me to the community pitch just outside of town.  I didn't know where Oliver practiced.  Not that I even cared.

I see Charlie and Terrence, neck and neck, hands stretched to grab the snitch.  It won't be long now.  Then the game will be over. 

"Terrance Higgs has caught the snitch! Slytherin Wins!," I hear shouted from the stands.

Thank Merlin.

I clap my hands in pretend excitement over the win.  In truth, my head was not in the game. 

It's all his fault.

All I want to do is fly down and get off the pitch.  I look over at the Gryffindor hoops one last time and find myself locking eyes with him.  The entire game he never even gave me a thought, but now, now that the game is over and we beat him he looks at me.  I turn away breaking the eye contact and start to fly down to the grass below. 

My teammates are all on the ground already celebrating.  They have Terrance lifted and are cheering his name.  He deserves it.  He did a great job.

I high-five a few of them then exit the pitch, pealing off my gear as I go.

Where did everything go wrong?  It couldn't have all been because I was sorted into Slytherin.  We always knew there was the possibility of us not being in the same house. 

Or is it because I made the Slytherin house team as keeper?

I can't think about it now.

I make my way to the showers.  I know I'll be the only one in the girls' showers as I am the only girl on the Slytherin team.  A team dominated by boys.  I didn't care.  They respect the fact that I am a killer keeper.  I am an asset to the team.  That's all that matters.

As I turn on the shower the beads of water pelt my back.  I turn the heat up as hot as I can.  I know it's making my skin red and I know it will dry me out but I need it.  I need to think of something else.  Anything else.

But him.

I can't think about the loss of my best friend.  The one person in this world I trusted more than anyone.

I hate him.

Hey Everyone! I have some exciting news. There is now a Discord group for A Keeper's Quarrel.  Please feel free to join and hangout. Everyone will be talking all things Keeper as well as other HP stuff. 18+ only If you would like an invite please comment on this chapter.

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