The Empress and her Love

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You and Feferi have been a couple for a really long time. And at first you thought your relationship together wouldn't last. What with you being an asexual and her being a sexual. For most sexual people it would be an immediate deal breaker if there was going to be no sexual connection to or in a relationship. But Feferi said she was red for you and she didn't want something as trivial as pailing (or a lack of it) to come between you both being together.

And you're not afraid to admit that you were scared to try dating a sexual in the beginning. You didn't want to get emotionally attached to someone only for them to break it off because they couldn't go without sex.

But Feferi really proved you wrong. She was everything you could hope for in a girlfriend~! She was sweet, loving, and compassionate. She understood that you very well could have sex and feel pleasure but you were just perfectly happy without it. That you didn't need it. And she never once tried to pressure you into 'just giving it a shot' or told you that 'you might like it if you tried it'. Not like the last person you dated. Who thought you just needed to give sex a shot for you to stop being asexual.

You broke up with them later that same day. You'd have broken up with them right after that stupidity spewed from their mouth but you tried to be calm and educate them a bit with how asexuality actually worked. And when they still proved to be an asshole who thought they knew more about your sexuality than you did you ended it. You didn't need that kind of toxicity in a relationship.

But you're getting off track. Back to your sea dweller girlfriend. Or as she says it, 'gillfrond'. Her goofy sea puns are part of the reason you fell for her. That and her bubbly personality. And she was the best person to cuddle with. And there seemed to be no end of the fun you two had together.

You both went on the best dates and she even taught you how to swim so you two could play in the water together without fear of you drowning. But that's not to say your relationship was all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you guys argued and fought just like all couples. And when you think back on those times you often can't even recall what you were both fighting about. Probably just trivial stuff that wasn't even important.

And other times you get onto her about how she leaves her trident and wet clothes in the oddest places and you either step on them or they mildew. You've even come home to find the tub filled with strange undersea life. After the tenth time it tends to gets annoying. Especially when you want a bath but can't take one because the tub is full of cuttlefish.

Though sometimes the problem lies with you. When you're being visited by your 'monthly visitor' Feferi's personality seemed overly obnoxious and you don't want her or anyone else touching you. But the sea dweller knew your short temper and mood swings were just your unbalanced hormones. So she tried to give you your space and do nice things for you. But luckily your time of the month wasn't any time soon. It would have spoiled the date you and Feferi had planned for today. While she was getting ready for work she said she wanted to take you somewhere fancy and romantic. You told her she didn't have to take you anywhere ritzy for it to be a good date. You were fine with a burger and fries.

But you blushed when you remembered how she said she liked to spoil you every now and again because you were worth it. Plus she remarked that she was a princess, she was allowed to spoil her lover. She said she'd pick you up after she got off of work and for you to be dressed in your prettiest outfit. You assured her you'd be ready and then kissed her goodbye. And right now you were blow drying your wet hair. You'd already picked out your outfit and laid it out on the bed so you could put it on after your shower. Once your hair was dry you put it up it in a cute little style you'd seen in a fashion magazine. Then you put on your usual make up before looking through your jewelry box for something to go with your outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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Asexual Love is still LOVE (asexual!Reader x Feferi)Where stories live. Discover now