Uncle George.

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Audrey moved a little closer.

"There's some letters, the university......Victoria State.       Wants to meet with you. I know you still love Tech, but it's getting harder to put them off....Professor Lakes tries to comes up with a new story every week, as to why your with them.....And not going to Victoria State..."

Audrey was smiling at Nate.....She could tell he was relaxing, he was looking at her, there was something he wanted to talk about.

Nate nodded.    Uni had been on the cards, he been meaning to have that "chat"......"I'm doing okay.    I remember..."       Nate crinkle his face..."Liz wanted to screw the party up, make me so cracked.....You'd have to send me back. Things are still a bit off. Ruby's trying to help.....But, she can't remember things too.....Childhood stuff. Did something awful happen to her?.."

Audrey though for s moment, shook her head.

"Mother's death wasn't great.    Teenage years.    A bit toxic!....But, she came around..."

Nate grinned...."Very full of herself, but funny!..."     He got a flash of memory (Me, being a shit, but still
hugging him!)

"Glad you can smile, there were times.....I thought she'd kill you.."                Audrey was now sitting beside Nate.

He looked at Audrey.......He started to remember, he'd felt safe with her (Besides his father).....She'd always been good with him.

But, my sad look was still troubling him......Would Audrey be able to jog his memory as to why?

Audrey and Nate kept talking.....She was very helpful with things he wanted to re-understand.

"Can Ruby stay here too?.."
"Of course.....I'm sure she wants to too..."

Nate wanted me with him. He'd guessed he wasn't leaving. Our place was being watched, couldn't go to Audrey's......I was stressed by something. He wanted to talk about it with me.


"Tell me why I can't have you?.."

Nate sat back in his chair.......And looked him directly in the face.

"I'm......Not dressed, for one. I live here, in America. I have a courses to finish, a job with Gus. No....I said no, I'm doing a TV show.....which I need to get back to. I won't come. I have a girlfriend, who I'm not leaving for anyone.......And, No......I'm not leaving. That's Final. Get the message.

"Details......That's all any of that is. And, I don't care...."                George looked back at Nate.

"I own you. I'll be up front. You are Edward's son......Heir to The Black Legacy. You have the purest strain of Erin - The Mad's blood, can't buy that DNA. What ever choice you've been lead to think you have.     You don't...."                 George was watching the look on Nate's face.

".....We almost had you at fifteen.     Your mother's an idiot.......Had we known what she was up to, you would have been removed on the spot. What's in your blood, thanks to Violet.....Could cure cancer, IF I so wanted. And.....Your IQ is off the charts, your wasted here..."

George didn't mince his words.   He meant what he said.......And, he would do want he wanted.

Nate knew he was dealing with someone who wasn't scared of him......The "dark black" stare wasn't fazing uncle George. Nate even tried glaring at him....He just looked back in amusement.

"Ignatius......I liked and respected your father, Gus has his head screwed on, he's done well. Edith....My brother married her...."

George went quiet for a moment.

".......I am a collector.....Of sorts. A business man, by trade. I have you. But, you have someone.....I also want. The Frenchs like to surround themselves with strong connections. The Winters are good for money.....Nothing else.   I told Henry that. But, the Hardgraves.....Are who we wish to bridge with.    You can helpful?..."

Nate looked at him.....Eyes wide. A look of "Your-unbelievable" stuck to his face.

"Ruby is a delightful girl, a rare little butterfly. Her mother was going to marry well, Flynn was a good match.....Shame, her grandmother started to make things difficult.."

Nate sat forward.

".......You can't have Ruby..."

George gave him a hard look, raised his eye brow. Nate felt a sudden chill, he sat back in his chair.....And looked down at his hands.

George kept looking at him. Not as a person, more as an owned piece of art. George was collecting.....I was next. Nate had met his match. George would not be challenged on any level.

He stood up......"I really do like Ruby. I have just jar for her...."

"You Can't Have Her..."                 Nate was getting angry and.....Worried, hands clenched into fists.

"Ignatius. I will make what I want happen.....I have you.      You will give me Ruby. Simple. Done. Now calm down.    Keep breathing......Blue is not a good colour!..."

George walked to the door, opened it....."Shall we, the family is waiting.      And, Ruby should be here soon. It will be nice to talk to her.."

George smiled at Nate....(It wasn't something he did naturally.     But, the young man with the dark eyes and angry face staring at him, was changing him, he'd have to watch that..)

Nate joined him at the door. The uncle was his height......Had a firm grip to his hand, for a man of his age.     Life had treated him well.

I walked in through the front door........And found Audrey and Gus in the living room, Edith was discussing dinner with Rose.

"Where's Nate?.."

"Talking with George.....Should finish up soon. His great uncle just wanted to touch base with him..."

He kept looking at the closed door.

"Hope George doesn't scare him too much..."

"Noooo....Not Nate, George could be the one....Who get's scared..."                  I looked towards the door too.

"Busy day?.."

"The usual.....People need help, I help. Lectures to listen to, I listen.      Thankfully, it was only one!.."

Gus smiled at me.

"Ruby!..."                  Nate walked up to me, and embraced me in a tight hug.

I pulled back....."Your pleased to see me..."

"....i'm always pleased to see you, i love you to bits..." Nate was pouting at me.
"Okay, sorry.....I love you too..."                And pulled him closer for a quick kiss.

George walked up to us.

"Ruby.    I've heard so much about you, and now we meet!.."

Nate had his arm around me, which moved to my neck......And his hand went to my face.

"Ruby can't talk at the moment.......She told me......She was tried....and, needed to go to another room. For the rest of tonight.....Yeah, so......That's what we are doing!..."

Nate started to pull me towards the door.

"Ignatius, let go of her.    Now..."         George looked at Nate. Nate released me......Stood back. I could still feel his hand on my back, gently tugging me towards him.

"Ruby, come talk with me.      I knew your mother well..."                  And with that, uncle George and I walked into the garden.

Nate was left staring at the two of us. He was not happy.

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