Yoshida Route - Dilemma

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*Songfic series: MANNEQUIN, Deco*27
Inspired by the lyrics of: Dilemma

[Direct part 2 of "Dilemma". Route of Choice: Hirofumi Yoshida]


[Description: "Heal it, heal it, the after-affects of your love." & "Where are you going, leaving all these empty promises?"]

Yoshida x Reader


You didn't make it far before the devil put it two and two together to realize you and 'Chainsaw Man' had something going on. He wasn't being slick about only trying his best to protect you. You still had to get away, but now your caught in between the devil and the devil 'hero'. Before you could catch another glimpse, Chainsaw Man got lazy, you got hit in the left half of your face by the devil.

Blood rushing out from your head, you have no clue on how you were still conscious. Your vision was blurry as you tried your best to get out of the situation you were in, you covered the bloody scar with your hand to try and prevent any more blood loss. Your legs were trembling, it was hard to walk, your head was getting dizzy, you couldn't pay any more attention on the fight going on. Your body was lifted off the ground, whatever it was, it was slimey and it stuck nicely on your body.

It trapped you, and moved you slowly, but that wasn't a bad thing, it moved you away from whatever battle was happening. At least you think so. Without your vision, you only relied on your hearing. As whatever was holding you up slowly took you away, the noises and screams were dying out. You couldn't stay awake after that, after all, all you could see was red.

You don't remember anything after that.


You wake up in a hospital bed, half of your vision was gone. The room you were occupying was empty, no life to be seen. Almost as if you weren't living at all. Of course that wasn't true, you were in a gloomy mood, half your face was shaven off, the mirror next to you verified your thoughts as you grasped it softly.

You were on the verge of tears. Your face. Your face! You slammed the mirror back onto the nightstand, as your other hand was pushing down on the bandages on the left side of your head. They were bloody, but it wasn't fresh blood. When was the last time they changed your bandages?

You looked out your window, the sun was shining. Quite the opposite of how the room that surrounded you felt.

A nurse calmly walked in to check up on how you were doing, "Ah, [name] you're finally awake. I was just about to change your bandages." The nice lady walked over, pushing a tray full of whatever medical supplies were needed at the time, you caught a strong whiff of the type of medicine they gave out to you at the dentists.

"Thank you." The room was filled with silence yet again. The lady undid the bandages on your head and gently threw them away in a trash can connected to her tray. When she looked at your face she winced without saying a word, but you could see it in her eyes, you looked hideous. "Ah, ma'am, could I see the damage?" You asked quietly, hoping deep down she didn't hear, but she did. She faked a smile at you and handed the mirror you not-so-gently put down into your right hand and looked the other way, rummaging through her cart.

The 'damage' was horrible. Half of your face was torn off, no skin in sight. The flesh seemed to have dried, but even with the lightest touch it could start bleeding again. The scar found itself ending right under the left most side of your chin, and to your dismay, your left eye was no longer there.

If you were to stare any longer you would throw up. Just by looking at it for a few seconds made your own stomach turn upside down, what would everyone else think? Would you become a social outcast in school? What about your dreams, would you be able to succeed in the real world after this? Would anyone be able to love you like this?

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