04- In which Tommy's new house has an odd little door

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The black button key was still there. Tommy had been through every room on the first floor and hadn't seen a door that would need that key. All except one.

The living room was a few doors from the kitchen, and Tommy didn't feel like going in there earlier because it smelt like someone's grandma in there. Tommy wondered if there was a door in there that would need the key, and he wanted to know.

So he walked from the kitchen to the living room and glanced around it. He frowned when there was no door he could see in there either. Well, that was until he spotted something behind an armchair.

He strode up to it and peeked behind it, to see a small door. He furrowed his eyebrows before whispering; "What kind of a room does such a small door lead to?"

Nonetheless, he went back to the kitchen and took the button key. He then moved the armchair in the living room and inspected the keyhole of the small door. They seemed like they would be a good fit. So he inserted the key and turned it.

A satisfying click was heard and Tommy pulled the key out and opened the small door excitedly.

He was utterly disappointed though, when it opened to a brick wall. why have a door that leads to nothing? He thought.

Annoyed and disappointed, he closed the door and locked it again before moving the armchair back into place. He then went back to the kitchen and stared at the chain that held the key to the house.

He didn't feel like parting with the key. What if he kept the key and hid it under his bed?

Dream won't notice.

Tommy dropped the key into his pocket.


The rest of the day went as well as it can when you have a broken nose. Dream was in a rather pleasant mood after coming downstairs from whatever he was doing, and told Tommy to go in his room. That was at nine o'clock.

It had been two hours since then, and Tommy was still awake. He had a feeling he would be up all night again.

He could hear Dream snoring from upstairs. It was annoying the shit out of him.

He'd been listening to the asshole snore since ten and was thoroughly annoyed after thirty minutes of it, but had no choice but to deal with it.

Tommy was daydreaming about hitting Dream with a baseball bat until he stopped snoring when he heard a squeak. What the fuck?

He propped himself up on his elbow to look at the floor, where the noise was coming from. Rats. Fucking rats. Literally.

There were three of the little shits and one was holding the button key he put under his bed. Once the little nuisances noticed he was looking at them., they scurried out of the open door of his room with his key. Tommy paused, shocked before bewilderedly whispering, "The little shits took my key."

He threw the thin covers of his bed off before hurriedly (and quietly) chasing the little craps to the living room. Oddly enough, once he was there, they dropped the key on the floor and scurried off into one of those little rat holes in the walls.

Am I fucking high?

Tommy just stared at the key resting on the ground before picking it up and glancing at where the small door was. He was sure this was a dream because when do rats ever take your keys and lead you to a room, except for in dreams?

Well, if it is a dream, it can't hurt to try the door again. With that thought in mind, he crossed the room, moved the armchair, and got down on his knees him front of the door.

He inserted the key and turned it. click.
He swung the door open, fully expecting the same brick wall as earlier that day.

But was shocked when it wasn't there. In place of the brick wall, there was a tunnel. It was all sorts of blues and purples and black swirling around and around. It seemed to be glowing too.

Tommy was now sure he was either high on drugs or dreaming. So he pinched himself, and it hurt. So high drugs it is.

He just stared at this tunnel for a little while before having the most amazing idea he's ever had. Why don't I go through it?

Before he could convince himself this was a bad idea, he began to crawl through the tunnel, making sure to close the door behind him and to bring the button key with him.

He crawled for some time, presumably a few minutes, before seeing another small door. He crawled faster when he saw it and reached it in another minute.

Tommy gently pushed on the door when he reached it and it swung open easily. He crawled into the room, shut the small door, and stood up to inspect the room.

It was a library. The first thing he noticed was that there was a door leading to other parts of the house, but it was closed.

The shelves were white and went from the ceiling to the floor. Every shelf had enough books to fill it, most being on Greek mythology and other history. The rest of the majority were romance, and the rest were mystery and fighting strategy.

There was an elegant couch in the middle of the room that was a cream color and had some pillows that looked very soft on it. There was also a fluffy red blanket that was crumpled in the corner and had a book on top of it. The title of the book was; The Tale of Theseus. Tommy assumed it was more Greek mythology going off of the weird ass name.

There was also a fluffy white carpet with a black coffee table on top of it. All the coffee table held was a mug with tea in it. Still hot, Tommy thought. It was sort of odd because there was no one in the room with the tea.

The room had a fireplace, with a painting of a beautiful landscape above it. On the fireplace were some photos of who probably lived there. They all had the same three people in them.

A man who seemed older than the other two in the photo, but shorter with blond hair up to his shoulders. He was wearing something black and green, Tommy couldn't see most of it. He had an emerald necklace he was wearing. He had a fatherly smile on his face, he seemed happy with the other two.

The person next to him has light pink hair which was in a braid that Tommy couldn't see the length of, but assumed it was very long. He was wearing a pink hoodie that was a bit darker than his hair and some gold earrings, which held emeralds on them. He wore no expression on his face, but Tommy thought he looked sort of content.

The last person was wearing a red beanie which brown hair was sticking out of. He wore a yellow sweater that looked like it was knitted by someone. He wore a cheerful smile on his face. However, he wasn't wearing anything emerald that Tommy could see.

But there was something odd about the portrait. In place of eyes, each person in the photo had buttons. The blond man had blue, the pink-haired man had red and the brown-haired man had brown. Their ears were also pointed. Like elves in those fantasy shows that Tommy used to watch.

This creeped Tommy out a bit, but he liked the portrait nonetheless, he assumed these three were a family. Tommy wished he had a family that looked that happy with each other.

Tommy was dragged out of his thoughts by the door to the library opening. He jumped, startled by this sudden noise before turning around.

The pink-haired guy from the photo was standing looking at him, he was tall and was wearing the same pink hoodie as in the picture, with some black sweatpants and fluffy pink socks with pigs on them. The thing that unsettled Tommy, was the fact this guy had button eyes. The same as the portrait.

They stared at each other for a few moments before the pink-haired man spoke up in a deep monotone voice, "Who the hell are you?"

2119 words
Hello! Lav, here
Chapter 04 is now done! This is the longest chapter so far, and Im pretty proud of it.
I just realized i spelt Tomathy in two different ways multiple times. I want to throw myself down the stairs.
Chapter 05 had been started and should be published in one to three days.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter,
Have a wonderful day! :D

| Wish Upon a Shooting Star | SBI Coraline AU | written by Lav | حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن