"Alright newbie! You handle this, yeah?"

M/n exclaimed as he placed a hand on the Weretigers back who was caught off guard by the sudden physical touch.

"Junichiro and Naomi you go with him!"

The h/c haired male says giving a thumbs up to the siblings before leaving them be. He had other matters to attend to anyways.

Plus, he's sure the Weretiger will be fine. I mean, its just smugglers right? What could go wrong?


"Koff...koff..i found this bag on the street. I think someone dropped it."

A shadowy figure said as they entered the building, a bag in hand.

"Oh, a lost item?"

One of the police officer says as he took the bag from the person and went to inspect it.

Until one of the other officers found the stranger familiar.

"Huh? Have i seen you somewhere...?"

"... figured it already," The mysterious stranger said before suddenly a dark like thread appeared from the man's back.

"The military police in this city certainly excel at their jobs."


The stranger left the building as he continued coughing, passing by a woman.

"Um, i need to get directions..."

As she looked up from her phone she jumped back in fear and fell to the ground.

The police offers were all nothing but corpse's now, all bloodied up.

More people came to check on what the commotion was and had an almost similar reaction to the woman.

She looked back at the mysterious person who had left the building and yelled. "That man!—"

But she couldn't even finish her sentence when the building exploded into millions of pieces, killing everyone who was near it.

The man didn't even flinch before taking his phone out putting it near his ear.

"All done, whats next?"


"You didn't go with him?"

Kunikida said as he placed the vacuum cleaner in a corner and looking at M/n's direction where he was leaning on his chair with his feet on the desk.

"What? With the newbie? C'mon im sure he'll be fine! Its just some smuggler's."

He laughed as he put his arms behind his head to rest, until Kunikida pushed their feet of the desk sending him a glare.

"Get your feet of the desk! Ugh, you're like Dazai at times."

He commented and scolded him, not bothering to even notice the offended look on the h/c haired male's face.

"Oh please! If that tiger was chosen by Dazai then im sure he's got some super sick ability or something. Have some more faith in that newbie."  M/n said as he looked to the side, realizing he just quite literally and unintentionally complimented Dazai. Well, kind of but still.

I mean he has to admit, Dazai is reliable at times. No matter how much M/n disliked the man he was a good co-worker, if you discard the fact he makes others do his paperwork of course.

M/n just.... didn't trust him all that much. He doesn't exactly knew the reason why but if his gut was telling him he was a bad egg, he IS 
a bad egg.

"Okay... something's off with you. You just praised Dazai which you rarely do. What going on?"

Kunikida suddenly asked crossing his arms and raising his brow as he questioned M/n.

"Psh, its not like it matters anyway. The suicidal maniac isn't even here anymore."


The response suddenly made Kunikida turn over to the couch to where Dazai was supposed to be, but the couch was nothing but empty.

And with the given time he got, M/n quietly left the office. He did not want to be questioned by Kunikida anymore.

And thankfully the dirty blonde didn't even notice M/n leaving as well.

After realizing this Kunikida sighed to himself as he fixed his glasses.

M/n was such a confusing person to him, first he'll be all happy go lucky person and sweet. And next thing you'll know he's all rude and sassy.

And him leaving without even being noticed by Kunikida was also something. He's got a strong and—if M/n wanted, a quite destructive ability. But his footsteps are as light as feather.

He was definitely another confusing person Kunikida had to figure out.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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