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Back at the Agency, A young woman with short blonde hair wearing a suit seated at one of the seats.

Everyone stared at her while they all sat in silence.

" you wanted us to investigate something?" Junichiro started.

"What sort of—"

"You are stunning."

Junichiro was cut off by Dazai on one knee and holding the hand of the short haired lady.

"How would you like to join me in a Lovers Suicide—"

Dazai was cut of as he barely dodged the sword  that was about to impale his poor foot.

He shivered as he looked up and saw an intimidating look on M/n's face.

To add to that, Kunikida bonked the suicidal man's head before grabbing him by the back of the collar as he dragged him into one of the rooms.

"Ahem, sorry about them. So how can we help?" M/n said as he lifted up the sword that was impaled onto the ground before it vanished into particles.

Atsushi noticed and couldn't help but wonder if that was his ability, it probably was.

"I am calling you because behind our company's building some people of low character are hanging about."

'Right back to normal? She must be used to weirdos...'

Junichiro continued to ask questions.

"Low character? How so?"

"Im not entirely sure...But they dress in rags and speak a foreign tongue which i am unfamiliar with."

The woman responded, but she couldn't help but feel a cold  stare in her direction. Did she slip up?

"Smugglers i would assume."

Kunikida's voice was the one who answered this time. Looks like he just got back beating the hell out of Dazai.

"No matter how much the military cracks down they swarm like wharf roaches. They're apart of  any port city."

"Smugglers you say..."

M/n whispered to himself before looking at his co-workers. Specifically Atsushi and the siblings.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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