Chapter 47: Therefore You and Me

Start from the beginning

How lovely...

To think, she started out a brand new school semester as a complete outcast in the midst of already formed friendships. She was already prepared to be alone for the remainder of her high school career, and it didn't help her case when she picked a fight with the city's most infamous gangster. Although, she couldn't be happier. These people were her home.

"Anyways, you guys can head inside. I'm pretty sure the staff and the students will direct you as I'll be backstage," (y/n) announced and the large group nodded in understanding and talked amongst themselves, albeit a bit divided but that was to be expected. Rindo stayed behind to walk with her until another voice interrupted their talk.


Both individuals turned around in confusion at a male voice calling out her name. The younger Haitani, in particular, appeared more on guard at the familiar person in front of him.

He narrowed his violet eyes, 'The hell—?'

"Takashi!" (Y/n) widened her (e/c) eyes in absolute surprise before sprinting and hugging the younger boy as a greeting, "It's been so long! What are you doing here? Are you here to compete too?"

"No, I'm here to see you," the lilac-haired boy grinned, "I figured I should surprise you after I saw your name in the roster. Congratulations for getting into this show, by the way, I heard it was difficult without any connections."

"Yeah, I gotta thank my club president for that," she said, "Speaking of which, how are you holding up as the new president? Everything okay after I left?"

"Mhm, Yasuda-san and I are taking care—"

"And what do you think you're doing, second division captain of Toman," Rindo finally caught up to his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Suddenly, the tension increased tenfold as the two purple-eyed males glared at each other whilst (y/n) glanced between the two of them in perplexity.

"Haitani Rindo," Mitsuya blankly greeted and shifted his eyes warily at the (e/c)-eyed girl.

"Oh good, you guys know each other so I don't have to do as much introducing," she stated, "Rindo, this is my junior, Mitsuya Takashi. He was my partner for my middle school contest."

"Wait, so that third contact on your phone was him?" The blonde stared at her incredulously and she furrowed her brows in confusion.

Noticing the situation, Mitsuya spoke up, "(L/n), are you okay?"

"Eh? Why wouldn't I be?" She naively spoke and tilted her head, "Oh right, I forgot to tell you. We're dating now."

"Hah??" Mitsuya exclaimed in shock whilst Rindo merely rose a brow in amusement; however, the blonde's gaze was half-lidded in a threatening manner. He didn't want to let his guard down in front of another gangster, especially after what he witnessed in Bloody Halloween, "You're not being held hostage, are you?"

"Oi," the younger Haitani glared as the other returned the gesture, "I'm not going to harm my own girlfriend."

"Alright, that's enough you two," (y/n) sighed and pushed their heads away from each other, "It seems that you two are well acquainted—"

"We are not!" They shouted simultaneously.

"— but I don't want any gang fights today," the (h/c)-haired female finished, "So please act civil. Rindo, you should tell your brother and friends that too."

"Whatever," Rindo rolled his eyes before begrudgingly sticking his hand out for a handshake, "Truce?"

"Truce," Mitsuya shook his hand. Both boys tightened their grips and (y/n) had to pry their hands apart.

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