Chapter 2: The Lincoln Loud Case

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5 years ago

A man in a black suit slowly stepped out of his black SUV, having just pulled up outside the old suburban home of 1216 Franklin Ave. of Royal Woods, Michigan. It had been a trip that he had made before over the years. As the Loud Family Parole Officer, Daniel Rogers, a barrel-chested man of 40 years, made periodic visits to the Loud Parents to make sure that they were following the conditions of their Parole. Even though their Parole ended five years ago, his superiors still liked to have him check in once or twice a year, just to be sure.

Knocking curtly on the door, he was surprised to see upon it opening he was greeted by a young blonde woman in a business suit whom he recognized all too well. "Mayor Loud!" Said Officer Rogers, coming to attention. "What a surprise to see you."

"Officer Rogers," Said Lori Loud, nodding to him. "I take it you're here checking up on my parents again?"

"Yes Ma'am," said Rogers. "Following procedure."

"Procedure ended five years ago," said Lori. "Now you're just babysitting."

"Sorry, ma'am, I have my orders," said Rogers. "I'll just make a quick visit and I'll be...." Rogers stopped dead as his eyes wandered to the right of the Mayor: a young, white-haired boy, looking to be no older than 11 or twelve years old, sitting on the couch in the living room. Rogers stared at the boy, completely dumbstruck and at a loss for words. Lori followed his gaze towards the young boy, and quickly cleared her throat, getting the officer's attention.

"You remember my little brother, right?" Said Lori evenly.

"...No," said Rogers. "I haven't had the pleasure."

"Really?" Said Lori. "I'm sure I've introduced you several times. Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to introduce you again, but maybe you should see a doctor about that memory of yours." She led the officer into the living room. "Lincoln," she said. "You remember officer Rogers, right?"

Lincoln looked from Lori to Rogers with a confused look on his face, before nodding in understanding. "Y-yes," he said, standing and shaking the officer's hand. "Its nice to see you again, sir."

"What's your name, son?" Asked Rogers.

"Lincoln Loud II, sir," Said Lincoln.

"The second?"

"We named him after his older brother," said Lori somberly. "I'm afraid that we've sheltered him a bit since he was born, due to....what happened." She paused, choking up a little. "We didn't want that to happen again."

"I see," said Rogers. "Well, I suppose I'll be on my way."

"But didn't you want to meet with my parents?" Lori asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

" I think everything is in order here," said Rogers, nodding to the Mayor. "Thank you for your time, Mayor Loud." With that, he turned on his heel and left, leaving the two siblings bewildered.

Officer Rogers lay crouched behind a large bush outside the residential home he had visited hours earlier. Night had fallen and allowed him to conceal himself. He had been waiting for at least two hours now, camera in hand, waiting.

He finally saw movement by the front window. The parents had returned home an hour ago, and it appears that the father had just finished making dinner. The kids were now making their way towards the dinner table. Rogers raised his camera, poised and ready. He began to take several pictures once the white-haired boy walked past the front window. Once he had finished taking the pictures, he quickly made his way back to his SUV, practically trembling as he started it up.

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