Chapter 7 we shall fight in the fields and in the streets

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the Tiger team was really bored except for Ella who was on edge the entire time

Lisa" this is boring! " she said 

Sara" be patient war is after all 98% boredom" she said  

Marina" yeah well if this keeps up I think I might enjoy it" she said 

Alina" what do you think Ella? " she asked

Ella" well we should always be on guard and ready to fight" she said 

Marina" man why are you so tense?" she asked

Ella" I will not accept defeat for a more then one reason today"

Marina " right if we lose will have to do that dance!" she said

Sara" that is a good reason to remain focus" she said

Lisa" yeah I don't want to do that dance!" she whined 

soon all the tanks started up so it was now time to enact the plan 

time skip

they were sitting atop the hill waiting for the Panzer 4 to show up

then Ella remembered Momo will fire at Miho's tank as soon as it came into their line of sight 

Ella" remember when you see a tank don't shoot unless I order you too our commander will be leading the enemy to us. so that means she will come into our view first so don't fire as soon as you see a tank got it?" she asked

Alina " got it!" she said 

Lisa" gotcha" 

Sara" good idea"

Marina" makes sense " she said

soon they Momo alerted them that Miho was coming with the enemy on her heels

Ella" remember don't shoot unless I order you too got it?" she said making sure her gunner knew

Alina" yes ma'am!" she said 

then they saw Miho's tank appear 

Ella" hold your fire!"

Momo" FIRE! " she yelled over the radio 

all tanks except for the Tiger fired at the friendly tank

Ella " you idiots what are you doing?! your shooting at our commanders tank!" she yelled over the radio and soon the tanks began to stop shooting at Miho's tank

Momo" why did everyone stop firing?! fire! " she yelled

Ella" aim the gun at those Biscuit eaters!" she said and Alina got the gun lined up to a Matilda II 


Darjeeling" unfortunately I do not thin your bait plan will-" she was about to say but the lead Matilda II took a hit and was knocked out 

Darjeeling dropped her tea" that tiger will be a bit of a problem"


Ella" nice shot! reload!" she said 

they began to reload as the enemy tanks began to climb up the hill 

Momo" FIRE FIRE FIRE! " she screamed over the radio 

Miho" you can't just fire all over the place like that aim for the treads!" she said as the team still was missing their shots 

Ella " turn us around have the front armor facing them!" she said 

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