"See, this is why I didn't want to do joint custody with you! It's always something, you NEVER LET ME SEE HIM!" He yelled once more.

"Nigga, you don't see him because you're always passing him off to some nanny to go hook up with those hoes every night!" She raised her voice.

"Don't forget you were one too." He snickered.

"Fuck you." With a huff, she hung up. She leaned against the wall with her head resting in her hand. Quiet sniffles could be heard coming from her as she tried to keep quiet. Taraji felt bad and a bit pissed at the man. Who could treat such a beautiful soul, a beautiful, kind woman that way? Taraji would've been glad to have a baby with Janet, let alone be married to her. He fucked up, BIG time.

"Hey Jan? You okay?" The woman slowly approached the other. Janet began to break down as she slid down the wall.

"I- I hate him so much. I wish I had never married him, I wish Gil had never introduced us, then I wouldn't feel like shit all the time." She confessed as she cried.

"Awe honey, well then you would've never been blessed with Eissa. I know what you went through and are kinda still going through is rough but you have a beautiful son to come from it. I know there is nothing but pure love and admiration when Eissa looks at you." Taraji rubbed circles on her back as she spent the time encouraging her boss.

"Thank you T, you're so good to me." Janet whispered looking into her eyes.

"Well, you're a good woman. You're sweet and you deserve the world and everything in it." She whispered as she stared at the other woman's lips.

and then, it happened.

A kiss, a gentle, passion filled kiss. Sparks flew, their hearts ran wild, their hands wandered. Soft moans could be heard between the two, the kiss was heated. It was long over due, two years to be exact. Taraji gently pushed Janet onto her back. She climbed on top of the woman, her hands desperately roaming the body beneath her. It had been a long time coming, she didn't want to waste this moment. Her hands traveled over the perky breasts, gently squeezed her nipples. They wandered down her abs, teetering at the hem of her sweatpants.

"Yes, yes Taraji." Janet whispered softly into their kiss.

However, you know the universe can never let us win for too long. We may get ahead of ourselves, so it has to humble us and bring us back down to Earth.

"MA-MA! MA-MA!" Eissa squealed from his room. The two women jumped apart breathing heavily.

"I- I should get off of you." She chuckled nervously as she went to stand up. Janet gripped her hips and pulled her back down into a kiss.

"Mmmm..." She moaned.

"Here I come Eissa!" Janet shuffled off to get her son, leaving Taraji on the floor in shock.

"I cannot believe that just happened." She mumbled to herself as she stood up.

The crew found themselves wandering around a cute little shop called The Children's Place. Janet looked around at several different outfits for her son while Taraji did her job in guarding them. As the two walked around the store, Taraji noticed a crowd beginning to form which heightened her senses.

Protecting Janet (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now