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It was a dark, dreary night on the outskirts of town. The sky was cloudy and the air was heavy with the smell of death. Jack Slade stood at the entrance of the cemetery, his eyes filled with dread. He knew what was waiting for him inside; he had heard the whispers of an evil bride living in the cemetery.

He had been told that Doctor Zomboss, the nefarious leader of the zombie horde, had brought with him a bride. No one had seen her and no one knew her name but the stories were enough that they had spread far and wide. She was rumored to be the most powerful zombie ever created and she had been brought to life by Doctor Zomboss himself to become his bride.

Jack stepped forward, his heart racing. He was scared but he had to face his fear and save the day. Taking a deep breath, he cautiously stepped inside. As he made his way deeper into the cemetery, he passed by what seemed to be a makeshift altar. Standing in front of it was an imposing figure clad in a black gown.

It was the bride of Doctor Zomboss.

Jack could tell from the feeling in his gut that she was a powerful and dangerous creature. She seemed to be speaking in a low and eerie voice, murmuring something about eternal loyalty and servitude to her master.

Suddenly, Jack felt a chill down his spine. He had to find out more about this mysterious bride.

He cautiously approached the figure and asked, "Who are you? What is your purpose here?"

The bride slowly turned towards him, her eyes burning with a crimson fire. She hissed, "I am the bride of Doctor Zomboss, created to faithfully serve my master and carry out his plan...'

Jack sighed, realizing he was in over his head. He had heard the crazy stories about Doctor Zomboss and his sinister plans and he knew he had to find a way to stop him. He asked the bride, "Please, tell me what I can do to stop Doctor Zomboss."

'The only way to stop him is to destroy his plan, which provides him with an endless supply of undead soldiers,' the bride said.

Jack knew what he had to do. He thanked the bride for her help and set out to find and destroy Doctor Zomboss' plan.

The next day was filled with a fierce battle between Jack and Doctor Zomboss' zombie minions. Jack fought bravely, slashing and shooting his way through the hordes of zombies. By the end of the day, Jack was victorious; Doctor Zomboss' plan had been destroyed and the undead soldiers were no more.

Jack returned to the cemetery in triumph, but the bride of Doctor Zomboss was nowhere to be seen. He wondered if she had vanished in the chaos of the battle.

Then, suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere. It was the bride, but she was no longer an undead creature. She had returned to her original form and appeared to be alive and well.

"Thank you," she said with a warm smile. "Without your bravery, Doctor Zomboss would have been unstoppable."

Jack smiled. "You're welcome. Now let's make sure this never happens again."

And with that, the bride of Doctor Zomboss was no more, a mere myth in the minds of those who know too well the power of the undead....

But why was this? Why did Zomboss want a bride?

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