001 - just a part of the show!

654 21 7

Your eyes were fixated on the man standing before you, his back hunched as he rummaged through his bag.

The words slipped from your lips, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

In response, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes.
He straightened up, meeting your gaze with certainty. "Of course I am."

You couldn't help but feel a mix of skepticism and nervousness, despite the brightness that seemed to radiate from him.
He highly believed in the success of his plan, however, you were hesitant.

As the man continued his preparations, getting ready for the upcoming show, you voiced your concerns. "I don't know about this, Simon..."

Your thoughts drifted away as you looked away, lost in contemplation.

Simon turned back to face you, his hands resting on his hips as he tilted his head slightly. "Who got us out of that creepy dungeon?"

Your eyes were back at him.
The reminder of the event that took place a few weeks back lingered in your mind.
It certainly wasn't a funny experience...
"I know, but—"

He repeated, "who got us out of that creepy dungeon?"

Your attention returned to him, and after a moment of silence, you let out a sigh.

"Exactly," he affirmed with a grin, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"So getting out of this will be easy."

Simon took the center of the stage, surrounded by the watchful eyes of the crowd, as he performed a series of magic tricks.
His confidence remained, even when the audience seemed less than impressed by his illusions.
It didn't matter to him.

A flame flickered to life at the tip of his finger.

The flame—it reminded you of the first time Simon tried to teach you of that magic trick.
He patiently explained what to do, what to think and concentrate on, but you didn't manage to bring anything from your finger.
No matter how hard you tried, nothing happened.
Not even sings of smoke were there.
You weren't talented, not as talented as Simon.
Eventually, you both gave up on it.
Simon kept blaming himself, claiming he was a bad teacher, but deep down, you knew the fault sat with you.

As you watched Simon perform on the stage, confidently presenting his tricks with his arms wide open, it became clear to you that his true performance was happening behind the eyes of the audience.

You saw—what seemed like—a clump of gold and jewelry floating in the air.

While they were distracted by his seemingly boring magic, he secretly gathered valuable items from their pockets and purses.

But suddenly, Simon's focus wavered.
His attention was caught by two figures near the entrance.
You were unsure, thought there must be something else that had captivated his gaze, but there was no one else there.
A man and a woman ... how strange, you had never seen these two individuals before...
Who were they?

"It can't be..." Simon murmured, disbelief etched across his face.
With those words, the clump of stolen valuables slipped from his grasp, scattering across the floor in a chaotic display.

The crowd turned their attention to the sound, slowly realizing that their possessions had been taken.
In that moment, worry filled your stomach—no, fear, that's what it was.
It felt like a rope wrapped itself around your stomach, gripping you in a tight manner.

Then, the next few moments happened so fast that you didn't even have time to fully process them.

The enraged crowd, now fully aware of their missing belongings, erupted into anger.
Some desperately went for their valuables, while others, consumed by fury, directed their aggression towards Simon.

Uncertainty filled Simon's face, his actions driven by instinct as he attempted to improvise his way out of the situation.

However, before he could do something, a man forcefully pushed him to the ground.

Panic surged within you, and without a second thought, you rushed towards them, mustering every ounce of strength to pry the assailant off your companion.
But the man was too strong, it overwhelmed you, and despite your best efforts, you found yourself struggling against his overpowering grasp.
Desperation clawed at your senses as you fumbled for your knife, determined to help Simon.

However, before you could pull your knife out of your pocket, the world around you shifted in an inexplicable manner.
In a breathtaking display of magic, everything began to float, including the crowd, objects, and even yourself.
The laws of gravity seemed to lose their hold as people and possessions were propelled towards the ceiling, creating a disorienting spectacle.

In the chaos, a strong hand grabbed your wrist, yanking you towards Simon's side.
It was him, shielding you from the dangers that threatened to hit you from above.

As you were about to mumble a 'thank you', the world abruptly snapped back to normal, yanking everything and everyone back to the ground.

The crowd, now back on their feet, swiftly renewed their assault on Simon, fueled by their anger and a thirst for revenge.

With unwavering determination, Simon clutched your hand tightly, his touch providing reassurance in the face of danger.
He muttered something under his breath, the foreign words carrying a hint of another magic trick about to unfold.

In a breathtaking instant, the two of you were lifted off the ground.
The glass of the ceiling shattered as you were propelled through the air.
A scream escaped your lips as the ground disappeared beneath you.
Fear mingled as you soared through the open sky, uncertainty gripping your heart.
When you fell, Simon's hand leaving yours, you found yourself landing on a horse.
The same happened to Simon, he landed with a grunt.

Your eyes widened as you recognized them—it was the same two mysterious individuals you had seen in the theater before.

Confused at the sight before you, you were uncertain what to make of this situation.
You weren't sure if you should trust them.
After all, you've know them for just a few minutes, and haven't even spoken a word to them.
Even if they happened to save the two of you, it didn't mean they were people worthy of trust.

Simon, however, appeared familiar with the two individuals—a glimmer of recognition and trust in his eyes.

Several questions swirled within your mind, but for now, you had no choice but to serve them for later.

Friends and Flames - Simon Aumar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now