🎲Chapter 1🎲

32 1 1

3rd POV

As they follow dice Zoro narrows his eye.. "I don't trust this guy.." Zoro mutters to ussop "yeah he seems a little odd..if that's the term.." ussop mutters back ..Dice stops at what seems like a crafts table with only two dice on the table center.. "oh this is the game we're doing?" Dice smirks nodding "right indeed madam this is one of the luck based games.. if you get both ones that means it's snake eyes.. making you lose immediately. But! Highest number that the person rolls wins all the loot that's on the line." Nami's eyes go to berri signs after doing a slot machine motion imaging herself on stacks of berri.. "yes!" Sanji growls grumbling about the dice named man.. "now let's begin shall we." Dice picks the two dice up "how much you betting?" "Hm.. let's start off with 200 berri" Nami gets 200 berri out of her pocket of her pants handing it over "perfect start to the round." Dice grins before putting 1,000 berri on the table edge making Nami stare at it "I like playing high doll"

Luffy grins excited about the 'game'.. Zoro though noticed how behind his back the dice glowed a lime green color.. his eye narrows.. "now let's begin" Dice rolls the dice landing on a five and one.. "6 not bad if I say so myself" he chuckles as Nami shook the dice in her grasp.. she tosses them and lands them on two fours making her get berri signs "yes!" Dice claps to Nami though Zoro and Sanji notice a lime green flash in his eyes.. "care for another round doll?" Nami nods making him grin "how much now?" "500!" She puts 500 berri onto the edge and dice puts on 5,000 berri.. "say.. dice?..how do you even get this much berri?" "Hm? Oh just hard work" Zoro and Sanji roll their eye.. 'hard work my ass.. obviously he cheats his way.. and probably a devil fruit user if he made that woman float earlier..' Zoro thought..

And so for the next 20 minutes they played until Nami grins happy "200 k berri!" Their eyes widen while dice's eyes flash green grinning "my such high price!" Nami grins back to dice but Zoro knows something was up.. he sees behind dice's back the dice was swapped and glowed lime before looking like the original pair.. his eye narrows.. dice once again put a high amount on before rolling his dice.. he got a 9 from a five and four on the dice Nami eagerly grabs the dice and shakes them in her grasp.. Zoro sneers at Dice's wide grin.. now he knew something was up after seeing him swap dice.. then he saw it.. how could he not.. his hand behind his back was glowing dimly.. Nami then tosses the dice and when they land her face pales.. "Snake eyes!!" Dice says with his eyes glowing green.. "sorry doll it's been fun playing!" He chuckles before starting to take the cash of berri off the table.. Zoro though growls "Oi. The hell was that shit" "hm?" "I saw you swap the dice." Nami looks over shocked and upset and Luffy was confused "eh? He did?" "I don't know what your talking about boy." His eye twitches at the moss haired..

"Your eyes are even different they're glowing like your hand was damn it." Luffy grins "your a devil fruit user!?" Dice though lost his grin.. "the game is over so please leave boys.." Zoro reaches for his wano.. "wait so you cheated!?" Nami shrieks "the game is over." His scowl worsens.. dice was about to raise his hand up to kick them out until Luffy blurts something out "wait! Join my crew!" Everyone looks to Luffy.. "join.." dice then laughs making Luffy confused.. "oh boy that was funny. Join some kids crew" "I'm becoming king of pirates tho-" "you expect me to believe a kid like you is gonna become king of pirates boy." He grins amused "well yeah!" "Listen good boy, I'm a gambler not some.. low life sailers man. So fun along and drink your booze." Zoro scowls and Sanji..

"I already decided you to be on my crew!" "I'm not joining Damn it." Luffy kept persisting while dice kept telling him no..

Dice's POV

This boy doesn't shut up does he!?.. I'm not joining some low life! Not after.. what happened with my last experience- no! I'm still getting the damn money to pay it off and get it back. I can't leave without it.. it's what gives me my full devil fruit ability and to leave the island.. "why do you not then? Is someone making you?" "I said no boy now get out!" I snapped ready to lose my last nerve before Nami came into view.. "please just everyone shut up!" I look over annoyed but blush.. "now. Luffy you can't make someone join our crew" "why not?" "Because that's not right idiot!" She bonks his head growling

My eyes gaze behind me to my back.. I can't leave.. I need it.. it's what gives me my strength and freedom..

My soul..and I wasted it all on the bargain.. dealing with the damn devil.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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