"Martyn what do we do?" Jimmy says waiting for Ren or Martyn to do anything, "Can we afford to fight?" Ren questions.

"No." Martyn says pulling out his sword,
"Doesn't mean we won't," He says Before Cleo, Pearl and Bigb step infront of them, "You sure you wanna fight?" Bigb says pointing his sword.

"Not really." Ren says shooting an arrow at Cleo, Hitting her in the leg.

Scar gets up Swinging at Etho, this fight becoming a 1v1 situation, "Il kill you Etho, you better run." Scar says menacingly before getting hit in the head by Ethos shield, "Not doing a very good job at killing me Scar" Etho says laughing.

The Sky flashes purple and everyone pauses for a second.

Mcskizzleman was shot by MumboJumbo

"YES MUMBO!" Grian shouts before Scott swings at him, Getting blocked by Joel.

"Scott run, you can't take all three of them!" Impulse shouts providing cover as Scott runs into the T.I.E.S base while Skizz picks up his stuff, "I am going to kill every last one of them." Skizz says furiously

"REN! You're getting low!" Jimmy shouts as Ren is down to just two hearts, only for Cleo to finish him off, "No!, Jimmy run!" Martyn says as the two of them try and make their way into the T.I.E.S compound, "Im out of arrows" Bdubs says as Tango hands him some more.

"Joel Can you actually hit a shot!" Grian says pushing him into where an arrow was falling, killing him. "oops..." he says holding the back of his head.

The sky flashes purple twice

RenTheDog was slain by ZombieCleo

SmallishBeans was shot by TangoTek

"What? i thought i missed." Tango says confused. as an arrow flies straight into his skull, "THATS FOR JOEL!" Grian shouts claiming the kill, "But Grian, he didn't kill Joel, You did?" Mumbo says blankly staring at Grian, "Shush they don't need to know that"

The sky flashes purple

TangoTek was shot by Grian

Etho breathes heavily as him and Scar both stand up, "this fight is so stupid Scar, just call it off already, enough lives have already been lost"

A message appears infront of everybody

TangoTek, you are cured

"Look we found the psychotic killer Etho, we can stop now." Scar says practically begging for his life.

"Unfortunately Scar, Theres another psychotic killer." Etho says Grinning underneath his mask and swinging his sword into Scar, Not before Scar can place and light a piece of TNT, Etho tries to run but with the little health hes on, its too late.

The sky flashes purple twice and three messages appear

GoodTimesWishScar was slain by Etho

Etho blew up.

Etho, You are cured

Tango and Etho return to pick up their things as the eight of them that still remain in T.I.E.S shoot at the Five down below.

"We can't win this fight we need to go Now!" Pearl says shooting up as they begin to run away

"Hes mine." Jimmy says before firing a perfectly shot arrow straight into the back of Grian, Killing him.

"That was cold Jimmy." Scott says celebrating before he gets hooked with a fishing rod and yanked down off the wall, "Bye Bye Scott." Bigb says before stabbing him with his sword, killing him.

The sky flashes purple twice once again before another three messages appear

Grian was shot by Solidarity

Smajor was slain by BigBstatz

Solidarity, you are cured

The remaining fighters have retreated after picking up their fallen teammates loot and are out of shooting range now.

"We did it!" Impulse cheers, "How many did we lose?" Bdubs asks

"From our side, five deaths, altogether there were eight deaths, we had the higher death count in that fight." Tango says upset as Ren and Scott wander back to meet with their team, "Did we win?" he asks

"Yeah we did, they retreated." Martyn says smiling.

"Three Boogeymen aswell, including two of us!" Skizz laughs

"Yeah and now im red, this isn't good." Scott says worried

"So am i, were doing really bad on lives at the moment." Skizz says concerned

"They'll come back, but atleast we won for noe everybody, that's something to celebrate!" Etho says Reassuring his team

The others meet at the compound in the forrest, that belongs to Grian, Scar and Mumbo.

"They got three of us, we may have killed more of them but we were all about to die." Joel crosses his arms

"And now, Scott is red, and they are not doing the best on lives, as far as lives go we are ahead." Scar says smiling.

"We just need to prepare for next time, this is war right?" Mumbo asks

"Yes its war, they killed us after breaking our deal." Pearl retorts

"Not too fast Pearl in all fairness we started the fight against them, and broke our promise with the village." Grian says trying to put off war.

"They also have the numbers, and arguably the skill, i mean we all saw what Etho did to you Scar, you had no chance." Bigb states

"Yet i still killed him didn't i?" Scar questions

"Only after he killed you, you got lucky." Cleo jumps in

"We need to prepare, no matter how much we want or don't want war they might still come for us, our best chance is to all stay here and Build up our defenses, they will probably be doing the same." Joel suggests

"Joels right Scar, we can't just go in swinging our swords like usual, we don't have the power anymore." Grian reasons with Scar

"Fine, that's what we will do, thank you for this great meeting, now go defend this place incase of an invasion." Scar says gesturing for them to leave.

End of chapter 9: 1567 words

Longest chapter yet yay!, A very enjoyable one aswell, atleast for me writing it, and im assuming after all these deaths you want an updated lives and groups list so i will provide. :)

Changes in lives=!
Grian-3 !
Etho-2 !
Ren-3 !
Tango-2 !
Scott-1 !
Joel-2 !
Jimmy-4 !
Scar-4 !
Skizz-1 !

Current group list-
Team T.I.E.S (Any team name suggestions are very needed pleasee)

Tango -2
Impulse -2
Etho -2
Skizz -1
Scott -1
Bdubs -4
Ren -3
Martyn -2
Jimmy -4
Total- 21

Team Scar (Also il let you decide the team name PLEASE)

Scar -4
Grian -3
Mumbo -4
Joel -2
Cleo -3
Pearl -3
Bigb -3
Total- 22

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