There was no victor with glasses ! What a shame. Well, the Capitol probably did things for the eyes of the ones that needed glasses, but she didn't think people would abandon a part of themselves for a better view of a world like theirs.

« Oh my god can you believe that ?! No other victor with glasses ! Imagine little Willow coming in there with her glasses ! She would lose them the second she stepped off the pedestrian at the beginning ! » Howlered Leo while Daph was clutching her stomach in laughter at the thought of little innocent blondie in the games, blind because he had lost her only way to see the world normally.

Hours passed by and the sun was setting, but the friends did not go home now. Instead, they were watching the sun go down, basking in the serenity. Her two friends where by each other's side now, awfully close, while Willow was just sitting there, her thought about the bad filling coming back up in her mind, but now, it was her gut too, as if to tell her to run away, to run as far s se could and never come back to this horrible world. Maybe she should've listened to her gut, but she couldn't. It was just a thought and her whole family was here. Her parents and her two friends. Plus her whole life was there. She had her little meadow with flowers surrounding it while wind turbines got power from the wind itself, just above their head.

It has always been something impressive for little Willow. How something that seemed so small from far away, was actually quite enormous and made enough energy to power up a quarter of the Capitol. Of course there were other ways for them to create power. The wind turbines of course, then the electric dam, and a few fields of solar panels. All things added, there was enough to bring electricity for the entirety of the Capitol, with a few things to put on second rank.

Of course, they had to work far more when the Hunger Games were going on, the arena, and stuff they needed, had to use more energy for all of their things. Oh course, not everyone worked for the energy supply but soon, it would be time for Willow to join them, as for the two of her friends would join soon enough. But for the time being, they would enjoy their teen years in the wind turbine fields, being surrounded by flowers and wild plants, collecting them with her little sickle in hand with a smile on her face and wind in her hair, while pushing her glasses up her nose. Where she would grow old, have wrinkles and be surrounded by her family. Not her own children, why would she bring children in this kind of world.

No, she would be the cool aunt of her best friends' kids, the cool godmother actually. Who would make their best friend the godmother ? Even more when she knew that Daph and Leo would end up together, these two were glued to the hip and they both stole glances at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. And Willow was their hardest shipper, she would throw literal rocks to anyone that tried to block their fantasy-like sort of love. It was the kind of love that only happened in books, well, in the simple and humble opinion of Willow, as their best friend of course.

When the stars started to appear, it was her favorite moment, where she could see stars and tell constellations appart. And every night, she would try and find her favorite star among all of those sparkling dots. She knew her friends were growing restless, so she soon told them that they could go, and that she would stay a little more to admire the stars. The two of them waved her off and soon went to join their respective parents, all while she stayed there, this sick feeling growing in her stomach and eating her up alive.

The tears didn't waste any time and started to cloud her vision even more and she pressed her knees against her chest while she buried her face in her knees, her glasses next to her, patiently waiting for her to put them back on. But she quickly calmed down, after all, why cry ? Her name would only be in the reading's bowl 4 times. The chances she would be chosen for the Hunger Games would be stupidly low. So, she would spend her life here, surrounded by her god-kids and laughing at them when they would fall on the ground when their parents would have a mini heart-attack. Yeah, this would be her future, not the games.

Shaking her head to try and clear her mind, she harshly wiped her tears away on her cheeks. She took a final breath and finally put her glasses back on to lift her eyes to the dark sky. This view always seemed to calm herself a little more each time she looked at it.

During the time she stayed there, she found some of her favorite constellations and her favorite star. The brightest star of Canis Majoris, the Sirius star. Why did she like it ? After the sun, it was the brightest star. Whenever she would be sad, she would look at it, to remember that even in the coldest, and furthest place from here, there was this star. Bright and warm. Maybe with some life around it.
Her fascination with stars always amused her friends and family. How did she get it ? No one knew, but she was sure fascinated. She would only be passionate for her love of plants and their use, and she sure knew almost everything about them. You could ask her about any plants and she would answer you with the scientific name and the uses of the plant and sometimes, their dangers.

When she finally deemed that it would be enough worry for her parents for her to stay outside this long, she took her plants and carefully kept them in her hand while she cautiously took her sickle in her other hand before putting it in the pocket of her jacket. Taking off the few blades of grass from her trousers, she calmly started to walk towards her village. She greeted some people she knew that were still outside with either a small wave or a smile. But she didn't go where most people had their house.

No. Some would say she was lucky, but she made her way towards the victor's village, joining her parents that were probably anxiously waiting for her at the house that seemed so full of joy in comparison to the others houses of the victor's village of district 5.

Author's note
Hello again people ! To anyone wondering, yes the Sirius star is the brightest in the sky after the sun, but it's a binary star actually ! Yes, it is really one of my passions too... and I do know some weird stuff, maybe I could put some facts in the mis fanfic ... anyway ! So, I already hinted what would be the weapon of Willow for the games, and I do believe it's quite easy to guess... have a nice day ! Don't forget to drink water, and get your meds if you need to !

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