Author's note

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Why hello there :)
How are you ? I do hope you are good ! Have you drank water ? Took your meds if you need to ? Good, good ..

Anyway, I have a few things to say about this fan fiction !

1. English is not my first language ! If I ever make a grammatical mistake or something else, do not trash talk me and simply say where is the mistake and how I can correct it !

2. Please do not be a silent reader, I know authors often say that, but I really want feedback so I can improve my writing and english. Plus I al always eager to hear about your opinions or ideas ! Maybe one day I would include your idea, who knows :)

3. I do not know if I will include a romantic interest in this fanfic, like my Harry Potter fanfic. Perhaps I will, I am open to propositions !

4. I understand that fan fictions about Hunger Games are not often seen, but please if you like my writing style DO NOT COPY ANY OF MY FANFICS. I pour every ideas and other things in those and really like the characters I create ! I do not do that so someone can steal it.. if you ever encounter someone stealing any of my fanfics, please tell me or report the thief.

5. I have a friend, thank you buddy, who is my beta reader and correct the mistakes I make. Plus they are an amazing artist and sometimes, maybe, you will be able to see art that she made for me ! She already did Willow and I wonder if I can post it here, with the credits they deserve of course. They also write on this forsaken app, as Odettefromthesea  please go read their work, they have hella talent !

6. I have an instagram where I post artwork of my cow and sometimes I could post memes on them, depends on the mood honestly. But you can go follow me ! My name is the same as here, styx_t_, it could always be fun to have some of my readers there, sooooo come ! :D

Vicissitude • Hunger GamesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt