Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling. The screeches of the griffins echoing in my head along with Mark's voice shouting my name and the loud ringing. Nothing about what had happened made sense to me. I heard metal scrapping on metal and winced slightly, turning my head to look towards the source. On my left was a door a few feet away. The walls, floor, ceiling, and door were all metal. My eyes widened as I realized we were now on the ship.

Before me stood Mark, his eyes widened in shock to find me awake. He walked over to me and as I tried to sit up, he shook his head. I frowned, deciding to stay laying down. Something wasn't right. He looked concerned, but also relieved I had woken up.

Mark pulled over a metal chair and sat down beside me. He reached over and as I watched, he picked up my hand in his hands. I noticed something off about my hand and trailed the white material up to my elbow. I was wrapped in bandages. What happened?

"April, I knew you had the capability for projection magic, but I didn't think you were able to do other magic. Honestly this is all my fault. I underestimated the amount of capability you had with Vivien's DNA mixed into your own." Mark said as he lifted my hand and pressed his forehead against it.

I stared at him in confusion and opened my mouth to speak, only for no noise to come out. My brows furrowed and I moved my other hand towards my throat. I looked at Mark, finding this whole situation impossible to be reality. I must be dreaming. There was no other explanation for what happened. I must have been attacked and landed on the ground. I had to still be laying on the ground in Lone Forest on Alina Island, not on the ship on my way away from the island. Mark looked up at me and sighed.

"April, you used a spell that you aren't capable of using... Or at least aren't experienced in, let alone should know. Your spell tore the griffins to pieces in a split second, but it also took a toll on your body. Your voice won't work and trying to move anywhere right now is a bad idea. You are weak right now and your body needs time to recover from that spell. Once you have recovered, I'll try to find time to teach you more about the different types of spells there are, and the way magic has worked for every witch." Mark said as he squeezed my hand.

But what happened to my body? How was it like this? How long have I been out? I wished I could ask him the questions swirling around in my head, but my voice wasn't working. I couldn't ask him anything or make a sound. Mark leaned over and kissed my forehead before standing up.

"I've got to go up to the top deck. Get some rest, sis." Mark spoke as he gave me a small smile.

He stood and moved the chair back to where he had gotten it from. Mark waved goodbye to me as he left the room, leaving me with my thoughts and questions I could yet voice. I needed to move, and I needed to leave this bed, but right now what I thought I needed to do would be impossible. I could feel the exhaustion my body was dealing with and the strain my muscles were put under at any single movement. I'd have to trust Mark and Caleb to handle things for me while I recovered. I just wish my body would recover quickly so that I could handle what needed to be done to find my daughters.


Time quickly flew by as my body recovered. We had returned to the house about two weeks ago and since then, a lot has happened. During my recovery on the ship, Kane and the other werewolves would come in and tell me about their days, leaving not even the littlest detail out of their stories to make me feel like I was right there with them. Caleb would come in every day around noon to play chess with me while Mark helped feed me. At first, I had a difficult time playing chess with every movement of my muscles causing my body to ache in pain, but it wasn't long until the pain became tolerable enough to do.

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