0.1 - Quidditch World Cup

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"Euphemia!" She felt someone trying to shake her awake as she turned her back to the person. "Mia!" She heard her try again only huffing in response. "Come on! We're gonna be late to the portkey."

"What time is it?" She opened her eyes to look at the younger girl. "The sun is sleeping, Ginny!" She protested once more.

"Get up! Dad said we'd be leaving in ten." She jumped up at that. She found her dress where she had left it last night and quickly put it on. She was glad she had prepared everything before going to bed last night. She put on her white sneakers and ran down the stairs with her bag to grab some breakfast. She saw Molly first before anyone else. The woman had a sandwich in her hand, holding it for her to take.

"Always late Euphemia. I was about to convince them to leave without you." Mia gave her a quick kiss on the cheek while grabbing the sandwich. She quickly turned around.

"Can you charm my hair straight?" Molly did so with a chuckle. "You're the best auntie ever. Love you, Molly!" She ran out of the house to meet others.

"Finally," Mr. Weasley let out a smile. "Let's get going then! Follow me you lot, don't stay behind."

"Does my hair look okay?" She asked Fred as she walked with them to the front. He gave her a side glance, grinning.

"Is that why you were late?"

"No, I slept in. How does it look? Your mom charmed it." She tried to feel how it was with her hand but the twins' chuckles stopped her.

"You look fine, Mia. Don't worry." George finally told her.

Fred chipped in "For a toad of course.". Mia tried to hit him on the shoulder but they just ran to escape her. She decided to let it go and just walk by the girls at the back.

"Wish we could apparate like Bill and Percy." She told with a pout.

"Yeah, where are we going anyways?" Harry asked Ron, who gave him a shrug.

"Hey dad, where are we going?" His question was answered with an 'I don't know.' so all the children just walked ahead, not trying to talk again. Mia was basically sleepwalking at this point. She didn't watch where she was going, her eyelids were about to close down when she heard someone yelling Mr. Weasley's name.

"Arthur! It's about time son!" It was a man with a similar hat to Mr. Weasley's. Mia remembered seeing him on the platform a few times but didn't know who he was so she watched intensely. She was awake now that they were stopped by another human being.

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start and the beauty queen had to do her hair!" Mia blushed at that, making Ginny giggle. "This is Amos Diggory everyone, works with me in the ministry." A boy jumped down from the tree. Mia beamed up at the sight. She knew who he was, he had tutored her in charms last year at McGonagall's request. A familiar face was good. "And this dropping young man must be Cedric, right?"

"Yes, sir," Cedric replied before giving them all a kind smile. His eyes stopped on Mia, however. "Euphemia," he walked to her as his father took the lead. "Didn't know you'd be here."

"Yeah, I thought I'd be in bed too. Life sucks I guess." She shrugged, trying to oversee Ginny and Hermione's playful glares. "How was your summer? Are you allowed to do magic yet?" Someplace in the back, she heard Arthur tell Amos how all the redheads beside Mia were his children.

"Yup, got my apparition certificate too." He replied proudly. "How was yours?"

"Well you know I live with muggles so I had to stand many things but I spent some time with Susan Bones. We went swimming." She told him just before Amos stopped by Harry. She came to a halt on it. She wanted to check on him.

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