Miscellaneous Stuff

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The thing about this section is that it focuses on the scrapped concepts for the foundation of the season, not what's built onto that. So these were all things that would've been a lot bigger than Nya ripping Boreal's wings off or the name for a season. You'll see what I mean.

For one, the Ninja were going to go to a Ninja school, though this did not follow through. Imagine that! What classes would they go to? How would they be graded? That's all complex itself, isn't it? I'm glad this didn't end up happening. Protagonists going to a school for things like these (a school for princesses, a school for monsters, etc.), is a tired trope in animated tv shows alike, and not to say that it's always done badly, but it's still a tired trope for a reason. And I like how they stuck to a more traditional approach at becoming ninja, and living at a monastery was a much better option for the show. It would also mean cramming in a lot of others characters just when it's getting started (I'd assume there'd be other students?), rather than introducing them slowly. And anyways, the movie ended up doing it I guess.

So, this one is kind of interesting. It's a neat concept, actually. It's weird though. Basically, a statue of the First Spinjitsu Master comes to life and helps the Ninja save Ninjago. I honestly want to see how.

Rather than the glorious Tournament of Elements, Rebooted would be followed by a season about aliens, which would be set up by episodes Project Arcturus and The Void. Ok? It sounds cool. But as Rebooted is known as one of Ninjago's worst seasons and I don't think aliens would really correlate with Zane's revival, nor would this be the same sort of intriguing that Chen had us in for with the tournament. It would be cool to use the concept in future seasons, though. I'd kinda like to see some more world expansion, and seeing into the mysterious abyss that is Ninjago's space would be neat. With its fantasy elements I would like to see some zany antics involving planets and rockets and ninja. 

MY GOSH, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO THINK OF THIS ONE. So, following Zane becoming titanium and Cole becoming a ghost, Jay would become "a master of disguise," and... here's the big one... Kai would turn into a rock fire lava monster when he gets angry. What, why, and HOW? I can't wrap my head around this. The only reason I'd want to see it is because I'd want to know how and when and why this started happening. And maybe we could get some cool action scenes with it too.

Oh, the big ones keep on coming. But this one is quite the eyebrow-raiser. Ronin, right? Well what if he had a DAUGHTER? She was going to be either a teenager or a young adult, and this does sound interesting. Would she be the mini-me of her dad? Would she be combat-witted individual such as some others we've seen? How would she play into these seasons and what would she be like? And most of all, who decided they'd have a kid with Ronin?

Finally, what would end up being Ninjago: Decoded  would instead be a melancholic clip show about Lloyd reading Wu's lessons. This was another one of Tommy's ideas, and though not used here, it was used in Way of the Departed.

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