Start from the beginning

The next to arrive were the Drama Brothers. Cody was wearing a cream shirt and brown shorts. Harold was actually well dressed and he almost didn't look like a virgin, almost. Trent was wearing a grey-green polo shirt and Justin, well Justin was always classy, the boy was too hot!

Little by little the other guests were arriving, and before you notice it, a 'party' atmosphere had already formed. But something was missing, something more emotion, fun, people were missing dancing madly on the dance floor, letting their feet flow with the music. And there was someone who knew exactly what to do.

"Trent honey, you and I have something going on," Leshawna says loud enough for the others to stop their chatter and focus on Trent and her.

"What do you mean? I don't think I'm following you"

"Season two? The dance battle you lost on purpose to let Gwen win?" The dark-skinned woman places one of her hands on her hip while she points the other at Trent.

Yes, she was challenging him to a dance battle.

In the crowd, Gwen slaps her forehead.

'Era un domingo en la tarde y fui a los coches de choque PIRIBIRI PIRIBIRI PIRIBIRI...'

"Alejandro!" They all shout in unison, looking at the spaniard who had appropriated a DJ's own mixing desk.

"Get off, you don't know anything. GOSH!"

Electro music started playing, everyone formed a circle around Trent and Leshawna. The woman began nodding, letting the music take over her body. She opens her eyes, smiling defiantly at Trent, and begins to dance.

I'll be honest, Leshawna is still a pain in the ass, she hasn't improved one bit at dancing over all those years. The only people cheering her up are Gwen and Lindsay, and Gwen was just cheering her up out of pity.

"Okay, I don't want to be a fake friend or anything, but Shawna dances terribly, even a legless fetus would dance better!" Gwen snapped, then left the bathroom.

Leshawna crossed her arms, a smirk forming on her lips. It was Trent's turn.

Cheers could be heard from some of the boys.

"Drama Bro T let's go! You've won this!" Leshawna shoots a glare at Cody, who immediately shuts up and unknowingly ducks behind Noah.

Trent couldn't dance either. The mere fact of looking at him while he dances is embarrassing.

"Just watching him dance for five seconds has reduced my beauty by 9%... did I get a wrinkle!?" Justin pressed his face to the bathroom mirror, searching for the trace of some imperfection in his beautiful, ethereal face.

The song ended, the entire room was plunged into an awkward silence. Some look at each other, others make strange faces not quite sure how to feel about what they've just watched, and Heather was laughing so hard that if it wasn't for the fact that she was leaning against the wall, she would have fallen to the ground. floor.

"Do you really think you dance well? Really?" She manages to say between laughs, pointing to the couple who had just competed. Heather wipes a tear of laughter.

"Think you can do better? You are literally a fish stick!" Leshawna faces, approaching Heather with the intention smacking the shit out of her.

"Of course, look at me" Heather stands in the center of the room, her red dress swaying in tandem with the sway of her hips "1music".

Gwen throws Harold down unnecessarily to take control of the music.

'Let me be your woman', by Doja Cat begins to play.

Heather's hands run over her own body as if they were snakes. The movement of her waist had hypnotized more than one person, she gazed at all her 'friends' without any hint of interest in her eyes. Her gaze connects with Gwen's, and a flirtatious smile forms on her face.

"Have you seen how she looked at me!? Have you seen how she SMILED at me!?" Gwen ran a hand over her face, smiling dreamily, "I've fallen so hard for her, what has that witch ever done to me?"

While Heather continued with her dance (dedicated to Gwen, if you couldn't tell), Izzy had started to get bored when she noticed Bridgette's presence. She nudged Lindsay, who was standing next to her, and gave a whoop, pointing at the surfer. They both shared a knowing smile and approached Bridgette.

Noah rolls his eyes and decides to go to the kitchen for something to drink, Cody follows him.

"Geoff sure lives in a rich house, huh?" Cody takes a look at all the different types of glasses and goblets, all of different shapes and sizes, some even had crystal etching on them.

"Don't take anything without permission," Noah scolds, picking up one of those glasses and filling it with water.

"Don't take a glass without permission" Cody jokes, trying to imitate the voice of his 'friend'.

"Whatever, I'm going out, I don't want to keep seeing Heather trying to imitate a K-pop idol"

"I'm coming with you!"

"No, Cody, don't come with me, I just want to be alone for a while because I can't take your stupid adorable smile anymore, your bad jokes, the dimples that form when you laugh, your beautiful eyes, the way you say my name , your cute teeth gap..." Noah stared horrified at his reflection in the mirror, as if he had just realized something terrible "what am I saying...?"

Sometime during the night, Tyler and Alejandro started making out on Geoff's couch. No one was definitely going to sit there for the rest of the night.

Trent is with Justin and Ezekiel.

"So... how's life treating you, Justin?" The discomfort in Trent's voice and expression is noticeable, doesn't Ezekiel realize that he doesn't need to be there?

Geoff talks to Jo when there is a knock on the door. Opening it he meets Duncan.

"What is this? The gay party? I've seen Noah and Cody wanting to suck their faces, ew" Duncan walks in like it's his own house, grabs a can of beer from God knows where and gives it a blast. "Weren't you planning to invite me to your 'queer party', Geoff?"

"Get the fuck out of this house, you disrespectful asshole"

"I'm not talking to you, tomboy, transvestite or whatever you are"

Jo frowned and muttered something like 'you're getting it' as she rolled up her shirt sleeves, ready to start a fight. Duncan sticks out his chest and smirks at her, Jo only gets angrier and Geoff gets between them. He stopped Jo from lunging at the criminal and beating his face out of shape, but in reality her goal was to hide Duncan from Courtney, who had given him a suspicious look moments before.

"How did you find out, Duncan?" Geoff whispers.

"A little birdie told me"

"Listen here, dude, you can stay as long as Courtney doesn't notice you're here. DO NOT approach her. DO NOT talk to her. DO NOT EVEN look at her" Warns Geoff, a worried look in his eyes , behind him Jo is looking at Duncan dead in the eyes.


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