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"UH," the teen muttered, looking around at the girls that came to support their friend

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"UH," the teen muttered, looking around at the girls that came to support their friend.

"omg, NIA, what are you doing here?" ddot complained, not wanting any drama to start, and she didn't even know the girl.

"no no no. don't start the complaining. you haven't texted me or hung out with me in 3 weeks. what's up?" taroya looked at ddot surprised. she didn't think he would be the type to ignore his girlfriend, one he kinda didn't claim at all but still was very much his girlfriend.

"nah because i didn't know nothing about that." she stated, looking at the girl with sympathy. nia's eyes softened, before going back to slapping ddot.

everyone hissed, like they felt the pain just by looking. ddot held his cheek, looking at her with shock.

"now why the fuck ━ if you wasn't a female i would have beat the fuck out of you." taroya took the opportunity to sneak away from the two, going to her front door seeing notti, dd and riley standing there with a hard to read expressions over their faces.

"what happened here? we wasn't even gone for a long time." notti looked at riley, who looked at dd, who looked around to try and find something.

"yall not looking at me. notti explain." notti huffed and rubbed his hand over his face, the stress getting to him.

"basically we was here and all of a sudden we hear screaming outside. we go and find out nia found out your address by ddot location on life360 and wanted to know why he was here and not with her. they haven't seen each other in months," taroya shook her head at her beamst friends actions.

"then, dd slipped up and told her that he was here with you but y'all left. so she called up her friends to jump you, thinking you was a smooch or sum. so yea." she stood there, seeing where nia was coming from with the situation but the approach was very much wrong.

nia just wanted her boyfriend to be loyal, and he didn't even put in the effort to tell her where he was how he was doing, stuff like that.

taroya couldn't even be mad at her for trying to fight her, she would have too. well not really, but the dedication is there for it.

"damn i feel bad for her." dd gave her a stank face and smacked his lips.

"nah she coo. she got other niggas tryna get her."

"yeah but she wants ddot. she loves him, obviously, but he doesn't reciprocate the actions that are given to him which honestly makes him a bad boyfriend." taroya explained, the boys nodding, understanding.

even though they didn't like the girl, she really didn't deserve the treatment she was getting from ddot. she just wanted to be loved and appreciated, something ddot really couldn't give her.

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