the problem and its solution 🩵❤️

Start from the beginning

"and i know when ur not at tidmouth, youre probably here at welsworth sheds." james added "i see, where is sir topham hatt now?" edward said moving out of the shed. "he's probably at knapford station. im not to sure." james said with a very unsure look "oh ok, well ill go see what he needed i guess." edward said just not in it at all. james noticed this and was really concerned, but didnt wanna bother to ask.

timeskip at knapford.

when edward arrived at knapford station, he saw sir topham hatt waiting on the platform "oh there you are edward. i was wondering where you were. anyways, gordon is stuck on his hill, again. he needs help and ur the only free engine." edward rolled his eyes "again sir? why does he keep getting stuck." edward said as he began to go along his was "and he calls me unreliable. if anything i wouldnt help him."

at gordons hill

when edward reached gordons hill, thomas had just passed gordon, assuming he was teasing him cause gordon was rather cross "there you are edward, you took your sweet time because youre so old and-" gordon said but was interupted by edward "look gordon i dont have time for your teasing nor do i care for anything you have to fucking say. im tired of it" he said and it shut him up. and thomas had just reached edward on the hill "woah edward where is all that coming fro-" "Shut up thomas" and thomas did. edward was rather upset and seemed like he was about to burst not because he was pushing a heavy engine and express up the hill but because he was sick of just being teased and taken as a joke. when they reached the top of the hill edward stopped and gave gordon time to start "thank you edward.." gordon said as he reached the top and went along the express line. edward by this point was over this shit

edward made his was to the yard, even tho he felt it was "too much work" and "exhausting" when it was really the easiest job he could do. but he didnt last long. he left himself about to breakdown. not anything gears or pistons, but emotional breakdown. his head pounded and his eyes burned. he couldnt take it anymore and just rushed out if the yard and went to welsworth sheds. but james saw this and got very concerned. he heard from thomas what he said to gordon and thomas himself and to him he knew something was up

timeskip to edward at welsworth

"why to the engines only see me as a joke and just a think to vent to. i have feelings too and all of it is becoming too much." as edward said this out loud, james heard this coming from behind the sheds not trying to startle edward."i should really try to talk to him, get him to express how he's feeling" james thought as he backed out to go through the front but edward knew he was there "ik youre here james, come out." edwards voice boomed as james stopped in his tracks and rolled forward. "how'd you know i was here?" james said questioning as he rolled forward to get onto and empty track to back into the shed with edward "i just had a feeling. but anyways, what are you doing here. i kinda just want to be alone.." edward said as james was completly in the shed "so dont yell or get upset with me, but i heard what u said to gordon and thomas, and that just sound so unlike you. whts going on, you can talk to me you know?" james said full of concern and the blue engine looked shocked he even asked.

james, the most self-centered engine on sodor, asking him whats wrong. "and why do you care, so you can make my fucking problems about you? look you should just go, im fine i dont nees to talk about anything." edward said which shocked james. "Edward." james said in an annoyed, deep and stern voice making edward tremble. "please, i genuinly care about how you feel. ive always'd cared for you, i know what its like to be the engine everyone goes to to talk to, to have all their problems on you and basically having that responsiblitiy to help them. I know how it feels. this is why i dont go to you cause i know you have so much on you, and i just talk to my crew even tho they dont understand. as long as they listen its ok with me."

edward was surprised and looked at his buffers. james knew all this, how he felt and cared about how he felt. edward let out a sigh "im just tired of being the engine everyone, well except u, goes to for advice, to dump their drama on and just to be a engine to vent to, and if i ever tried to talk to them, they see it as a joke or me just trying to start small talk. and thats why i just dont go to anyone and i just let it pile up on me. like i have feelings too but they look right past my feelings and inly care for their own."

edward let all his feelings go and james sat there and listened to every word. james understood where edward was coming from and he was glad edward could talk to him and just let him in on everything.

"..and when gordon just started teasing me about how slow and old i was. i just snapped and not even i expected it. like i was tired of all the shit he gave me for the past couple years, just because he was a but newer and "more reliable" than me. and then i was still upset when thomas tried talking to me and i just told him to shut up.." edward started tearing up and turned to his human form and broke down crying, hugging his knees and all. he genuinly felt bad for saying any of what he did to the 2 other blue engines. james instantly did the same and went over to hold him and comfort him. It slowly worked and edward was calmed down. salty wet tears just fell down his face. he looked up at james who gave him a small smile, a warm comforting one which made edward smile back.

"edward, its ok. thank you for telling me everything on your mind. i know it must be hard for you right now and you got a lot one you mind. i love you, and not just as a freind. and ofc, its ok if you dont love me back how i do, but i want you to know i care for you so much, i know surprising coming for the 'narsisistic' and 'high ego' red engine named james. but i do. i dont just care for my red paintwork, i care for my friends to, unfortunatly i dont show it like i should."

edward was surprised at james' sudden confession. "james loves me?!" edward thought. he never expected him to and it was a shock. this is what made edward realise he felt the same. his feelings towards the red tender engine were always there but he never knew they were there. "i- i dont know what to say" edward said looking down at his hands that were shaking a bit. james then grabbed his hands and said "just take your time, ill wait if you really want me to. you are in no rush i promise." he said with a smile. edward smiled back and just rested his head on james' shoulder. "thank you." after that sentence, edward started falling asleep and so did james. they both stayed in the shed for a couple days, giving edward time to recover and heal.

within the next week both edward and james were on the tacks again, but with an even stronger bond. Edward had eventually told James he loved him back and wanted to be with him. and that made james so happy. from the moment on, edward was always happy because he finally had someone to talk to about his day, how his feelings were and to vent. ofc he didnt always use James and a way to dump his life on. He took what james had told him and sometimes talked to his crew even tho they probably didnt understand, they cared enough to listen.

James even learned something from edward, Care for others. even tho they can be mean and rude, they need someone to care for them to.

from. that moment on, james was less self centered and narsisistic. He and Edward both helped each other and grew a beautiful relationship.

❤️2212 words🩵

"i have feelings too" a oneshot Where stories live. Discover now