the problem and its solution 🩵❤️

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(poor grammer, no edits, engines will say foul language)

edward was the number 2 engine on sir topham hatts railway. he was a mixed traffic engine meaning he sometimes pulled coaches and sometimes pulled goods trains. edward is also one of the older engines on the island of sodor, meaning he had a lot of experience, stories and scary events to tell. but edward was also an engine almost every engine went to walk to about problems, drama or just the normal talk.

"edward can we talk?" "edward do you have a minutes" "hey edward its important and i really need to talk"

it was sentences like these that edward dreaded the most. he held so much of the other engines drama and pain that it just piles up on him and it can be very unhealthy for a person, in the case, an engine. sometimes, edward hated how caring he was towards people and engines, but he knew it wasnt a bad thing. every group of people need a caring person. but who would be there for the caring person when they needed someone?

edward always tried to share how he felt with the other engines, and sometimes they would just take it lightly and wouldnt be serious with it. this hurt edward deeply seeing how the other engines took his talks, tho he never really talked to james about himself or really tried to. he could try but maybe he's just like how the other engines are, i mean he's very vain and kinda narsisistic.

one day on the island, edward felt so tired and unmotivated like he just didnt wanna do work or get out of tidmouth. "god im so tired" edward didnt feel like doing anything, but he went to the yard and just shunted cars and coaches. normally he would be fine doing this, but now he felt even the bare minimum was too much and too exhausting.

"im too tired for this" edward thought to himself. the day wasnt even half way over. edward had decided to go to the sheds, not tidmouth sheds, but welsworth sheds. he needed some space to himself and he didnt want any of the other engines to talk to him really.

timeskip end of the day

it was already evening and all the engines were in tidmouth sheds, except for edward. "hey, have you guys seen edward?" thomas said as he looked around at the other engines. "no, at least not after he brought my express coaches to knapford." gordon said "edward is normally the first one done with all his work and is here first, but where could he be?" henry added "im not to sure, but he has been looking a bit off, as if he just doesnt wanna be here, or to work i mean." percy said sending so much confusion around the sheds "so what, are you saying edward wants to leave?" james said, sounding sad and kinda in disbelif edward would wanna leave "no no, i mean, just he looks tired, and drained. as if he has no motivation to work." percy explained calming james' nerves a bit "but why tho, i mean its so fun being here and being around us." thomas said sounding a bit cheerful "i dont know why, maybe we should all go to sleep and figure it out in the moring, i mean none of us have much work, just little things here and there." henry said as everyone agreed going into their sheds and going to sleep

meanwhile with edward

as that was going on in tidmouth, edward was alone in welsworth, and he felt peace. he felt like he could actually hear himself talk and he just felt a breath of fresh air. but he still held everything inside, and he didnt know how to help it. "maybe i should- no don't he'll be like all the other engines." edward thought as he backed into the shed and went to sleep.

the next morning

edward woke up to find james looking at him "ahh, james what are u doing here? and this early too." james and edward backed up a bit after being startled by each other "oh, erm, sir tapham hatt needed you and i was sent out to find u." edward looked at his buffers "oh"

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