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I woke up to once again not find joon in bed I was confused about what was going on but I didn't want to jump into conclusions

I went to his office and there he was working and he looked very concentrated I didn't want to bother him

I went to the kitchen and made food thats when he came back hugging me but it felt wrong I didn't stop him though

Joon- how'd you sleep?
Y/n- cold
Joon- we're you not covered
Y/n- i was but you kept moving and I think you eventually left the bed
Joon-..... I went to the bathroom

*mind* he was in the balcony though

Y/n- really well i was half asleep so how would I know
Joon- yea I also was in the balcony I needed sir
Y/n- really was it that hot
Joon- I was sweating
Y/n- oh well here breakfast is ready

I had cooked pancakes, bacon and egg with orange juice for us to eat it was such a great cook

Joon- y/n when can we get married?
Y/n- why
Joon- the sooner the better right yes let's do it soon and then -
Y/n- joon is there something troubling you
Joon- no I just want to get married sooner
Y/n- okay ok well what type of wedding do you want
Joon- I'll leave the planning to you I know nothing about this just soon when the church has the closets date choose it
Y/n- joon what's wrong we can't rush it either
Joon- you don't want to get married?
Y/n- i do but your-... nvm I'll start planning

I stopped eating and left to get my laptop and start looking but I needed my mothers help so she came over and we looked into dresses and stuff

It was the afternoon now and me and her were cooking dinner since she was eating here which made me excited since this had never happened

I went upstairs to get joon as he was on the phone with someone but he sounded angry I knocked on the door and walked in

Y/n- come eat dinner
Joon- okay

He hung up and came downstairs but he didn't say a word to me or my mother which was weird we ate as it was just me and my mother talking

He didn't even look at us which worried me

Y/n- how's the food?
Joon- delicious thank you
Mom- joon you haven't said a word since you've came whats the matter
Joon- nothing im just tired I have alot of things I have to figure out with my gang
Mom-well I hope it gets resolved but if your super busy with that why want to get married sooner wouldn't it just stress you out even more

That's when it hit me my mother was right it just didn't make sense he stopped eating and had a moment to think

Joon- I've left the planning to y/n I find that the stressful part the rest not really but your right I just wanted to get married sooner

Mother- well of course I'll help my daughter out on the planning since it's not easy
Joon- yea I just have other things to do but not much to worry about

He wasn't making sense but I didn't think to much of it I picked up the dishes and washed them as joon and my mom were in the living room talking

I walked in and sat next to joon as I held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder listening to them talk

Mother- luckily me and y/n got appointments to go look at some of the venues you'll come along
Joon- okay

Next morning
We got up to go look at the venues that we thought were super cute and went with our vibe

Joon stayed silent and just agreed with us

Worker- this venue has everything an engaged couple wants especially the big chandelier what do you guys think
Y/n- it's very lovely May we look around more
Worker- of course

I pulled joon with me since he was being lazy
Joon- do you like it
Y/n- i think it's gorgeous especially the entrance
Joon- so this one?
Y/n- i think so

I Guess it only took one look and we got it we placed a down payment and then left to get lunch " joon there's something and you're hiding it from me" I was just upset at this point because he was hiding things from me

Joon- there's nothing y/n believe me I'm just tired you know exhausted I'm stressing out
Y/n- im sorry let me help you I want you to feel relief
Joon- I don't want you to get involved in my gang stuff
Y/n- okay then I'll get you relaxed tonight

I wanted him to relax he walked in the room as there was spa music playing and candles lit up
Y/n- welcome come here

He walked closer to me as he was chuckling, I was unbuttoning his shirt " ma'm I think I'm supposed to take my own shirt off"
Y/n- this is a special spa

I then pushed him on the bed as I massaged his back I felt him loosen up not long after he had fallen asleep

That's when I headed to sleep too

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