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(Yuqi POV)

**beep, beep beep**

I woke up to my alarm, it's 7am. It's so early, but I need to get up. Need to start the day, early.. 

I make my way down into the living room to see everyone is already awake. Except from Minnie

-''Morning Yuqi'' Says all the members

''Oh, morning, you are all up early, it's only 7am'' I reply

-''Yea, our manager decided it would be a good idea to make us get up early, so she started spamming all our phones. Did she not spam yours? Miyeon Replies

''Oh, no not ye--'' As I was saying that, my phone starts getting spammed...

**ding, ding ding ding ding ding**

''Aaannnd never mind, she has just spammed me now.. By the way where is  Minnie, she still in bed?'' I ask

-''No, I think she went out'' Shuhua replies

''What? Where to, its barely 7am in the morning...'' I ask

-''No idea, she was gone when we woke up'' Soyeon replies

Where and why would she leave so early.. 

''I'm going to call her'' I say


Minnie answers

''Hey Mins, where are you, and why did you leave so early?'' I ask concerned

-''Oh, I just went to get some fresh air, I am at the park outside our hotel, I just felt a bit lightheaded this morning'' Minnie replies

-''Oh and Yuqi.. I am sorry about yesterday, nothing against you.. Just personal, issues'' Minnie replies

''Oh, personal issues, are you ok Minnie? '' I ask

-''Oh yea yea, I am fine, Yuqi. I am coming back up to the hotel now anyways'' Minnie replies

''Ok, see you soon then Mins'' I say as I hang up


I woke up at 5am today, the tickets for their concert go on sale at 6am, local time. I need to be ready. I am going to get tickets, luckily I have been given a bonus pay for starting my work and training here.. 

I have a hour left until the presale starts, I need something to eat for breakfast.. 

''Hmm, what to have'' I think to myself

I decide on cooking a nice full English breakfast. I have everything I need to do it. 

**After breakfast**

Ok, I am now full and charged. There is about 10 minutes left.. I hope tickets aren't too expensive.. I obviously want the VIP tickets....

And before I know it, the time is here, I refresh the website, enter my presale code..

''NO WAY.. I AM 2ND IN LINE'' I scream

I panic, and I quickly select the most expensive VIP tickets.. 860€

I enter my payment info, and SUCCESS..

''YESSS, OH, YEA, OH YEA, I GOT THEM'' I scream, forgetting I am in a hotel

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