Pt.1 pilot

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You are new to this small town in Georgia, your family just moved because they wanted to be close with your dad's side of family. All you could really think about when you moved is, how are you going to make friends again because this is your fourth School in one year, and also one of the things I was focused on for some reason was the racial change, meaning there was like 95% white people that have lots of money and are privileged. That felt weird to me because where I grew up I was raised by black people. Even though I am white I'm just not raised how they were raised, I didn't grow up with money and I still don't. Well back to the story, You started going to this Rich kind of private school. On your first day you walked in and you felt eyes all over you because it's like they know where you came from but they really don't. In your homeroom you met people that are in some of your classes and that said they were going to show you around. Some did show you to your classes but most of them forgot or just lied. So basically you just had to find your way around. Finally let's skip to the end of the day. You're in your last period and it's English. There is this boy across the hall in the other class that has been catching your eye all day. He has very curly hair, he is light skin, he has the prettiest of brown eyes, and most of all he is a soccer player which is your favorite sport. A week goes by. You start to notice this boy more and more, and you realizing that you have a small Hall crush on him. And as days go on you make more friends not ones you necessarily like though, you only have two friends that you are really close with. You talk about him with those two friends over and over and over. 4 months goes by... Your high school is having a soccer game, and you want to go but none of your friends are free because they all have plans and jobs. So you post on your Snapchat story "Anybody want to hang out at the soccer game tonight?". And then your hall crush swipes up on it, he says he is going with his friend but if his friend says yes, y'all can meet up. His friend says yes, and when you get there he asked you if you wanted to wear one of his necklaces because they're their school colors. And of course you said yes gladly taking it. But as you were taking it he smiled at you and you cannot help but get butterflies coursing through your stomach. Finally you are sitting down, they sit in the front and you sit in the back because you want to be able to text your friends if anything happens with you and him. Which was probably not the best idea to sit in the back but oops. Every 5 minutes of the game he would turn around and ask you "Are u okay" or "do u need anything". And you would always tell him yes I'm okay or no I'm perfectly fine. But he always smiled at you when he talked and he would make perfect eye contact and hold it and you would catch your eyes drifting away from his because you wouldn't want to be caught blushing. About 20 minutes later the game ended....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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