And then, of course, there was Nathan.

Aiden couldn't forget the moment he saw his glittering eyes; igniting a growing flame in his heart. Just gazing at the older boy caused butterflies in his chest and made his head spin. 

Their relationship was developing daily, becoming more affectionate and more committed. Nathan had flaws and weaknesses, but he didn't hide or pretend they didn't exist. Every day, he fought with his demons, and every day, Aiden became more besotted.

Aiden sat up and manoeuvred away from the sleeping boy. He wanted to stay there, but needed to shower, eat, and tidy.

Quietly, he walked over to the two rucksacks he'd abandoned by the door and rifled through, searching for his phone.

Throughout the night, he'd received several messages on the group chat. Concerned, all the boys asked about Nathan's well-being.

Aiden felt a little guilty when he realised how long they'd all been waiting for a response, so he quickly thumbed a message, letting the boys know he was sleeping and would update them when he woke.

Jago responded almost immediately, letting the younger boy know he was free all day and would happily come over and help out.

The pink-haired boy grinned at his phone, accepting the suggestion and inviting the elder over. It was doubtful Nathan would be awake much in the next few hours, so the company would be good.

Setting the phone down, Aiden searched through the other bag, fishing out the mobile phone and the notepad. He beamed again, admiring the myriad of stickers adorning the front cover.

The previously black cover was now filled with cartoon images and phrases. The two cat representations of Aiden and Nathan stood out, isolated from the other stickers.

Holding the book to his chest, Aiden carried it over to his bedside cabinet, pushing the lamp backwards to make room for the items he carried.

He nestled the phone and the book together next to a bottle of water and painkillers, placing them close enough so that if Nathan was to wake, he could reach any item without having to stretch or sit up.

Aiden couldn't help but brush the smooth skin of Nathan's cheek, pulling back as the boy reacted, humming lightly as he turned his head towards the touch.

Although happy to spend time with the older boy in whatever manner he was most comfortable, Aiden always wondered what it would be like to hear his voice.

Every sound, laugh and cry, were like salacious hints of something he would never witness.

The younger boy smiled before walking away; darting around the room, he threw his dirty clothes into a basket and collected the piles of papers, throwing them into a drawer so the mess was hidden.

He then grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower.

His usual long, hot shower was much shorter than average; he wanted to be ready for Jago's arrival.

Climbing out of the shower, Aiden pulled on his dark jeans and floral patterned t-shirt, admiring the vibrant pink tones against the deep navy material.

As he headed out of the bathroom, the pink-haired boy stopped dead in his tracks, his chest thumping as he caught a passing glimpse of his face in the mirror. Most of the time, he could walk past the mirror without getting caught up. But sometimes, just sometimes, the reflective surface brought everything back and frightened him.

He hesitantly stepped back and stared at his reflection, eyes drawn to the blemish following the shape of his cheekbone.

Aiden sighed as he traced the line with his finger, hating the way the split in his skin affected him. Every time he saw the mark, it reminded him of that day.

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