Chapter 11 - Hide and Seek 3/4

Start from the beginning

You quietly walked up the staircase and slowly pushed back the curtain to reveal a quite darkly lit room. Nothing but the slight shine of light from the daycare shone through the balconys closed velvet-red curtains.

The soft taps of your heels against the cold tiled floor were the only noise audible and your soft breathing.

You glanced around for a light switch but couldn't see any due to the darkness surrounding you. You cautiously step further into the room and begin your search for the blue haired man.

You were hesitant to say anything, you wanted to stay quiet so you could possibly catch him by surprise and find him easier. That was your thought process right now.

After awhile of you just looking under, over, and in things-you were beginning to give up on finding him in here. You looked under the bed, in both of their closets-which you'll say you find some questionable things in Moondrops.

You were finally about to just leave the room to look somewhere else, but a sudden noise caught your attention. It sounded like fingernails tapping but it didn't sound like it - it's lighter, more like rain falling on a window seal.

You smirked; you weren't wrong-he is in here. But where?

You glanced around until the very quiet jingling of a bell was heard from above you.

Your E/C irises immediately flicked up to the ceiling and there was Moondrop dangling from a string of fairy lights-somehow.

"Aha! I found you! You lose, I win!"
You cheered with a proud expression on your face.

"You sure about that?"
Moondrop smirks and raises an eyebrow as he looks down at you.

"Yes, I am! In fact- wait why did you say that?"
You ask, now nervous that he had possibly won.

"Y/N! We found Evangeline, finally! You're such a good hider!"
You hear Sundrop call out to you from below.

Suddenly all the color washes back to your face and all your nervousness flushed away. You did it! You had won! Well, this round. Now the two of you had even scores. The next round would be the tie breaker.

"Yes, yes! I win!"
You cheered, jumping up and down with excitement and pride.

Moondrop stares at you from the string of fairy lights and watches as you do a little happy dance.

Moondrop didn't even notice it, but a subconscious smile slowly made its way onto his face as he watched you look so happy with that bright smile on your face.

Moondrop sighed, finally acknowledging the fact that he had lost. He rolled his eyes playfully and pushed you gently.

"Whatever, good job, star light."
Moondrop gave a sharp smile.

Your cheeks became slightly rosy at the unexpected nickname.

"'re not being mean. You're making progress."
You joke, nudging Moons side in return.

Moondrop breathes a laugh.

"And you're not being a sore loser. You're making progress as well."

"Why would I be a sore loser, I WON!"
You laugh throwing your hands in the air.

You and Moondrop make your way back down to the daycare and see Sundrop playing 'Duck, duck, goose' with the children while waiting for you and Moondrop to come down.

When he notices you he gives a bright smile.

"You won!"
Sundrop cheers and picks you up in a hug-spinning you around in joy.

You giggled and hugged him back best you could, even if the action was making you dizzy.

"Wait, how did you know?"

"Because we heard you screaming it,"
Sundrop chuckles.
"Everyone knows you won."

Your face turns slightly red in embarrassment.
You asked, slightly sheepish that the children might have heard you.

Moondrop instantaneously whispered in your ear in reply.

"You weren't exactly quiet, Y/N."
Moondrop grins, before it turned into a smirk.
"Glad I was the one that caused you to scream like that."

Your face turned even redder, and you hid your face away from Moondrop and Sundrop. Sundrop pets your hair in comfort while leaning closer to his brother.

"Moondrop! You cant be saying things like that around the children!"
Sundrop scolded in a whisper yell.

"Oh, shut up, Sundrop-it's not like they even know what it means."
Moondrop defends.

"Still. And you really need to watch the naughty language."
Sundrop frowns.

Moondrop rolls his eyes and was about to keep arguing before Evangeline ran up and tugged on Sundrops pant leg.

"Mister Sun?"
Evangeline looks up at him. Sundrop notices the small girl and smiles.

"Hello, Evangeline! What can I help you with, kiddo?"
Sundrop lets go of you and you stand next to Moondrop as Sundrop talks to her.

"Could we play one more round of Hide and Seek?"
Evangeline asks.

"Yeah, Sun-could we?"
You ask.

You and Moondrop weren't finished yet. You still had one more round to play to determine who would win.

Sundrop gives you an unsure face as he turns to face you.

"I-I dont know, Y/N. We really should be getting started on those crafts, we were already cutting it close by playing that last round."

"Oh, please, Sunny. Just one more round?"
You give him pleading eyes.

Sundrop sighed and made a pouty face.
"Okay, okay. But you only have ten minutes."

You perked up and smiled.

"Thanks, Sunny."
You kissed Sundrops cheek.

"Okay, who wants to play another round of Hide and Seek?"
You cheered as Sun's face turned red and he brought his hand up to where you had kissed him.

To which all the kids cheered as well. Some of them shout 'I do!' or 'Not it!'.

Moondrop felt a strange feeling in his stomach as he watched you kiss Sun on the cheek. He couldn't describe it, but he didn't like it. At all.

"I'll be it."
Moondrop volunteered. Although, Sundrop and you knew it wasn't up for debate.

'Game on, Moondrop.'

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Sincerely, theirs

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Sincerely, theirs.

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now