ii. "forget about dre. shes not here anymore."

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"okay. i just showed kiara her room." audrey said.

"good! very happy she's here." i smiled.

"y'know eva. i don't know why you invited her in after what happened last time. you don't know what she's up to." grace shrugged

"grace can you shut the fuck up about the past? forget about dre. she's not here anymore." i yelled at her.

"plus it was crickets idea for dre and kiara to come. so stop blaming me for shit that wasn't my idea." i said as i finished putting up the now cleaned dishes.

"sorry. ill go talk to cricket about it." grace defended. i just rolled my eyes.

"damn. are you okay eva?" audrey asked.

"im good. i just wish you guys would get your ass out of the past and focus on the future. who cares about dre. she almost killed me." i said before looking at the scar on my face in the reflection of the window from where the glass from dre's car hit me.

"that's true." audrey said.

"where's isis and janine?" i asked audrey.

"they're in the spa." she said. i nodded before heading into my room to grab my robe.

i made my way into the tent that was outside, finding isis and janine meditating before openings their eyes.

"oh hi eva!" janine smiled.

"what's on your mind?" isis asked

"nothing." i said before untying my robe but not pulling it off just yet

"you're lying." janine said before scooting closer to me.

"its about dre. i don't know why but you guys keep bringing her up and it's so fucking annoying. i want to focus on kiara. but no. everything is about dre." i spoke softly putting my face in my hands.

"im so sorry eva. do you think you may still have feelings for dre?" janine asked before i looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"no! the fuck are you saying? its been two years since she was here. im over that bitch." i said before i took off my robe. completely nude.

"look. what if we took a hike later. would that take your mind off anything?" janine asked and i nodded taking a deep breath.

"okay. let's continue the session." janine said before we all got into crossed our legs and took deep breaths. 


it was currently 4am. and it was time for our hike that janine suggested.

i made my way to kiaras room. she was peacefully sleeping. i made my way over to her bed and admired her features.

she had a button nose and it was covered in freckles. she had a nose ring, and long lashes. she was wearing a silk pajama set. her long black hair fit her perfectly. she was a beauty.

"oh sorry. didn't mean to spook you." i said before she startled awake.

"oh hi eva. what time is it." she asked. her voice was raspy with tiredness. it was cute.

"4:25" i said while looking at the clock on her bedside table.

"me and the others are going for a hike and i didn't wanna leave you behind." i said with a smile.

"it's still dark out though and im tired." she said

"do you think ni'jah stays in bed all day to learn those dance moves?" i said before she shook her head.

"but that's because ni'jah's special.." she responded.

"and so are you!" i exclaimed.

"ill see you downstairs" i said before i kissed her on the cheek. i can tell her features softened as she smiled after i did that. shes so cute.


it was around 9am and we made it to a stopping point of our hike.

kiara was drinking water. from the same bottle that dre used to drink out of.

"hey, take your time." i said out of breath.

"it's okay kiara. i was just like you when i joined decawin." janine said to kiara and patted her leg

"whats decawin?" kiara asked.

"this is decawin!" salem responded referring to our tribe.

"it's a women's empowerment group." salem added.

"so what do you do? like hike? or camp?" kiara asked.

"no we prefer the term "retreat." salem responded.

"we specialize in unlocking female potential. teaching, learning, training, and most importantly healing, through e.u." i said to kiara.

"eva's our executive director." cricket added and i nodded in response.

"she's really changed every single one of our lives. im five years sober now." cricket said.

"yeah. and i just joined more recently, but im already on the last week of treatment for my fluency disorder." salem said while breathing heavily.

"what's that?" kiara asked.

"i used to stutter." salem responded.

everyone was silent before kiara took out her phone. i then sighed and commented on it.

"you were doing so good ignoring your phone." i said to her.

"i want you to stay present. your body is releasing endorphins right now." i said to her.

she then put her phone up and we meditated for a little bit.








"there was milk spilled on the carpet.."

"it was red"

my life flashed before my eyes as i was hit with dre's car. everyone was screaming. my whole body became numb. everything became black slowly after. i couldn't hear anything.




"EVA!" janine yelled and startled me out of my thoughts

"what?" i asked.

"are you okay?" audrey asked me

"yeah. im good. just zoned out." i said while leaving the table.

"how long has it been since we've hiked?" i asked audrey.

"about 4 hours. why do you think it's time for an e.u for kiara?" audrey asked and i nodded.

"okay ill go get her." cricket said as she went to kiaras room.

a/n; hi hi hi!

thoughts and predictions? 👀

w: 969 <3

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