Chapter Two

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Although Jenna joined Emma, she continued to keep an eye on you from a distance. She observed you approach Joy and begin dancing with her. She was at ease enough to briefly turn her attention away from you and concentrate on Emma because she knew you and Joy were close. But such concentration was short-lived.

As you dance, you mutter "Thanks for the help" to Joy, who then begins stroking your body with her hand. Of course, but promise to call me later and thoroughly explain what happened, Joy said. You say, "I promise."

Jenna keeps a close eye on Joy as she gently massages your body. She feels a twinge of jealousy in her gut and tightens her hold on the table she was leaned against. Given that she had just kissed you and then informed you that there was someone else, she understood it was pitiful to be jealous. "The food is here!" From the front door, Georgie shouted. To eat together, everyone gathered in the living room. Naturally, you continued to carry out your strategy of distraction while sitting with Joy, while Jenna sat with Emma. Emma proposed turning on the TV and doing Karaoke. After eating, everyone opted to participate in karaoke.

Group singing during karaoke led to spasms of laughter due to how awful everyone sounded. Everyone was beginning to leave as the evening came to an end. You lingered a little longer to assist Emma with some light cleaning, and Jenna stayed an extra hour. "I'll take care of the living room; you guys handle the kitchen, right?" Emma enquired. Jenna answered, "Yes, we got it." You ignored her and focused entirely on washing the dishes as if your life depended on it. The fact that music was still playing made the awkward quiet between you and Jenna a little more bearable. Jenna approached you from behind, her hand resting at your waist as she leaned over to retrieve a rag from the sink.

When you turn to look at her, she is still standing close by with one hand still on your waist and the cloth in the other. "What?" You grunted. "You're dating Joy, right?" She queries. "Why would you care?" You answer. "You are, then?" Jenna asks. You respond, "No, I'm not."

"Were you attempting to make me jealousy earlier?" She queries. "Did it work?" You snidely inquire. Jenna replies, "I'm afraid so," and leans in to kiss you. Even though Jenna understood that kissing you was wrong, she just couldn't help herself, and since you didn't intervene, she continued to revel in you. Jenna prods you to sit on the counter by hooking her hand under your thighs.

She kisses your neck, allowing you to take a breather. "Jenna," you utter. She murmurs "Yeah" as she kisses your neck. "What about Emma?" You query. Emma was ultimately your friend, despite your dislike for her interactions with Jenna. Jenna responds, "Emma and I are not dating or anything since I haven't done anything with her or revealed anything to her. "Nevertheless, she has feelings for you, right?" You query. "Maybe," she responds.

"Hey, did anyone leave their headphone out-" Emma says halting in her tracks. She took note of Jenna's proximity to you and the red markings on your neck. It was clear that you two had been kissing. You move Jenna out of the way and get up from the counter. Emma's expression made you feel awful, and you were humiliated. You remark, "I have to go, Emma, it was great tonight," and then you walk out the door, leaving Emma and Jenna to sort things out.

After returning home, you entered the shower and daydreamed about Jenna while also thinking frequently of Emma. You pondered their situation, hoping that everything would be alright and that Emma wouldn't harbor animosity toward you.

"Well, do you like her?" Emma asks, her eyes glossing over even though she already knows the answer and only needs confirmation. Yes, Jenna murmurs. Emma purses her lips, fighting back tears as she says, "Good to know how you feel." "Emma," says Jenna. "What?" Emma growled. Jenna apologizes. Emma turns around and stifles her tears as she commands, "Just leave, get out."

Even though Emma just had a minor crush on Jenna, it still stung because she felt somehow deceived. She thought Jenna was beyond her ability to trust. She could no longer, in fact, because of the situation. She wasn't angry with you because she recognized the attraction between you and Jenna and knew you weren't intentionally hurting her, but it still hurt.

Jenna may have sobbed more that night than you and Emma put together. She was confused. She had different amounts of affection for Emma and you, and she genuinely didn't want to hurt or lose either of you. She had to give up the romance with one of you. She may feel some discomfort at first, but it will pass. It's a good thing she was in love with you, but even that couldn't tame her conflicting emotions.

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