"Lying to me now?"

"No," You're not lying. You're being completely honest right now. "I don't know what's wrong. He doesn't talk to me."

"So it's boom boy, after all." You don't have the energy to argue about the nicknames so you only roll your eyes.

"Keigo, just-"

"Keigo!? Shit, things are very serious!" He shifts close to you, leaning his back against your bed's headboard and lifting you up, placing you right into his arms, wings blocking your escape. "There. Feel any better?"

"Just stop, I don't want to-"

"Should I sing you a song?" He holds you tight, refusing to let you go. "Oh! I used to sing you a lullaby when you were a tiny little demon."


"Okay, it goes like this,"


"Close your eyes~" You're desperately trying to get away but he's too damn strong. Fucking hero strength. "Have no fear~"

"Oh my God, stop!" He's so stupid it's making you laugh.

"The monster's gone, he's on the run~"

"Are you talking about dad!?" You say between laughs.

"And your brother's here~" He's also laughing because that is probably something he used to sing to you whenever you were scared of your biological father. So, quite often. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful~"

"Shut uup-uuh, that's so cringy!" How the hell did a simple lullaby change your whole mood? "Stop singing!"

"Beautiful angel~" You gave up trying and just let him rock you left and right. "It always made you smile because I was basically making fun of him. Glad to know it still works!"

You hug him back, finally smiling after a while. You're glad he came to see you, you thought you were going to be locked in your room till school started. When you look at your brother's smile, it is as if all your problems are gone. He has always been your ray of sunshine that shines so bright it casts off the darkness.

"Thank you, Kei." You let your tears loose. You're not sure why you're crying, you just felt like doing it. "I love you so much."

"I love you more, angel."

You stayed like that for a while, not wanting to move. Eventually you explained what has happened the past few days and he listened to the very end, never interrupting you even for a second. He just let you talk to him, tell him everything that is bothering you.

"Angel," You raise your head. "He needs time. He is a sixteen year old boy who was kidnapped by villains that wanted to make him one, fought them, almost got himself killed and almost lost you in the process too. He was scared, he may be scared even now. Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll talk to you eventually."

You know Katsuki went through a lot and that is exactly why you asked him if he's okay at the hospital. Of course, you didn't expect him to open up to you right there but he could've talked to you afterwards.

Nevertheless, he is right. Katsuki needs space right now and it was stupid to think he didn't want to be with you anymore. Even though you miss him a lot, time and space is exactly what you gave him without getting depressed about it.

You spend your time with Izuku and even meet your classmates a few times to hang out together. You're really lucky to have friends like them.

All Might and Aizawa Sensei visited your house a couple days later. Apparently, the school has come to the decision of building an all-dorm system for the students' safety. Your parents were clearly not against it but you could tell from your teachers' faces there were families that didn't take it that well.

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