"Oh?" His hand grabs my neck, picking me up, not actually choking me. "You're not going to fight back?"

"I don't want to fight you." And it's true; I'm barely moving a muscle. I'm like a puppet waiting to be controlled by its master. "Just do it."

That's when I realized something. I could see his sorrow just by glancing into his eyes, which softened for a short second. I saw the want to set me down and take me somewhere other than here.

His expression turned into rage, along with his body. The hand that still has hold of me being the only part he's careful with.

I know what he said to me was to make me the bad guy. He didn't mean any of those things, however true they may have been.

"I hate you," He growls. "You know that?"

"I know." He doesn't mean that. That's not the word he wanted to say. It is simply the only word he can say to me right now.

"Then," He throws me off the destroyed terrace, jumping right after me, lighting the whole street below us on fire. "Burn into ashes, Hina!"

What is he planning? If it was for me to fall into the fire why would Dabi jump? He slides along the building's wall, reaching for my hand and pulling me into his chest. He jumps away from the flames' range, at the last second.

"Scream as loud as you can." He whispers before his hand grabs my forearm, burning my skin.

"What- ARGH!"

He basically drags me into the alleyway, constantly checking behind him. What the fuck is he doing?

"What are you-"

"Shut it and run." He covers my mouth. "That's what you decided, so stay the fuck away from me."

I don't know if he actually hates me but he's surely still helping me stay alive. He might get punished for letting me run away or get killed, worst case scenario.

"Why are you helping me?" I say, reaching for his arm as he is about to leave. "You might get into serious trouble if All for One finds out you let me go. Why risk it?"

He doesn't answer me. He doesn't want to answer me. I know what he wants to say, even though he can't say it. He can't bring himself to hurt me more than he already has.

He burned my hand just to fool All for One that I was actually killed by his fire. Why would he do all this if he truly hates me like he says?

My hand grips the fabric of his jacket while my lower lip starts trebling. I'm sick of myself crying this much.

"Touya," I say with my shaky voice, ready to crack. He turns so quickly at the call of his real name, trying to escape from my grip. "I don't want to leave you. You know that– No, you knew that from the start."

I hate the idea that this man has made me so vulnerable to him. I hate myself for being unable to let go of him. That I don't want to let him go.

I know he will not change for me. I don't want anything to happen to him as a result of my actions. I don't want anything bad to happen to my family. All for One is a threat to all, though, there is something I can do about him, but it is far too dangerous.

I never imagined I'd contemplate doing this, yet here I am. It is far too risky for me; I may die as a result of it. I almost died the last time I tried—more like forced me to—back at the commission.

Touya witnessed everything that happened that day and fought the guards to stop me because he could see my body was slowly crumbling, which is why I'm not going to tell him what I'm doing. I know he won't agree to it.

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