Case #3 - The Heist: West Arcade

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"The West Arcade has been robbed and a poor soul fell victim to this distasteful incident! Time matters more here, you have to bring the killer to justice before they go out with a bang!"



Russell Crane: Good early morning, Yuan. I know I haven't been myself lately, but I already have things under control.

Russell Crane: I... my father passed away just before you arrived, and I'm still at my grief...

Russell Crane: Why do I still insist on working here? Well, I need to get over my grief... and I'm so low at money, now that I'm alone.

Russell Crane: Sorry I didn't tell you guys. Things were already complicated enough when the Bureau and the Flying Squad came...

Russell Crane: But I know deep down, I finally found my family. Thank you, Vice Director Yuan. Things were hard without you.

Russell Crane: Now, can you turn on the TV, please? I don't want to miss the morning news.

TV Announcer: Welcome back to the CCN Morning News. I'm your host, Claudette Wilson.

TV Announcer: We'll start from the hot news. Yesterday, about 3:00 AM, the West Arcade had been robbed by a bunch of robbers hiding their face behind their masks.

Russell Crane: Oh no! So awful!

TV Announcer: Sources said that only one person died during the robbery, possibly by the robber gang. The body remains missing, and the FBI had sent their agents to clear this off as soon as possible.

Russell Crane: What do you mean we have to go there, Yuan? There's the FBI. They won't need our help.

Russell Crane: Yeah, you're right. At least it's worth a try.


{At the West Arcade...}
FBI Agent: Sorry, only FBI agents can go through the scene. We're trying to look for the dead body.

Russell Crane: Authorization code 220, Agent. I'm Doctor Russell Crane, from the Grimsborough PD.

FBI Agent: Sorry, authorization denied.

Russell Crane: Well, we might have to come-

Carl Ackerman: What's this noise that I heard 0,2 miles from here?

Carl Ackerman: Oh, Vice Director Yuan. Exactly what I need. Agent J, let them in.

FBI Agent: Yes, sir.


Carl Ackerman: Sorry for my agent's behavior, Vice Director Yuan.

Russell Crane: Why did you let us in?

Carl Ackerman: Because I know what you're thinking. Well, go ahead and examine this scene. My agents are trying day and night to find that body.

{New Crime Scene!: West Arcade Main Entrance}

- Chapter 1: Start! -


[Chapter 1]

{Investigate: West Arcade Main Entrance}
Russell Crane: Well, it's not that hard to find the body! Only buried by some building chunks over here!

Carl Ackerman: Well done, Vice Director Yuan. I'm impressed.

Carl Ackerman: I'll let you take over this case, under one condition.

Criminal Case: The City In Red [Dialogues Version]Where stories live. Discover now