Chapter 28- A Place for You and Me

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know you used muggle items like motorcycles," I commented. I thought muggle things would be the last thing he would use, seeing how his father was.

"I dunno, motorcycles are cool I guess. I'll tell you more when we get there," he said. We both walked up a trail on the mountain and continued for about a mile. Suddenly, Mattheo went off of the trail and to the side, to a place covered thick with trees.

"Umm Mattheo, I don't think we're going the right way. The trail is back over there. We were following it...right?" I said, confused.

He laughed and merely replied, "Just follow me." I huffed in annoyance but still continued to follow him. Once we reached the trees, Mattheo then shifted to the side and slid between a gap between two oddly marked trees. I followed after him, and suddenly we were in a beautiful clearing with a small pond in the middle.

There were birds chirping and all kinds of fish inside of the pond. The area was clean and green, and it looked like no one had ever set foot there before. The grass was soft and well taken care of, and there were even different kinds of flowers growing. It was like a place out of a book or a movie. It seemed too perfect and peaceful to be true.

"It's beautiful," I remarked, in awe of the place Mattheo had taken me. While I was admiring its beauty, Mattheo had set up a plaid red and white blanket and a small wooden basket was laid on top of it. He sat down and patted a spot next to him. I went and sat there, still amazed by everything.

"The basket is enchanted," he said, "it'll produce whatever food you ask it for."
I eyed the basket and said, "I want...some chips!" I reached my hand into the basket and pulled out a small plate of chips(french fries). I tasted them and they were delicious.

"So, do you want to go back to our conversation from earlier?" Mattheo asked.

"Sure," I said, curious to know more about him.

"I actually use a lot of muggle items. I've learned muggle things, like how to drive."

"What about your father?"

"My dad hated all muggles. It makes sense for me to also feel the same, or for me to want to stay away from them and their world. But, that's not actually the case. I may be his son, but I'm not anything like my father." Mattheo took a deep breath, and I knew he was about to share something serious, something he probably didn't tell other people.

"My father thought I was a liability. He didn't want me. To him, I was just a nuisance, something he didn't even care for. After he vanished because of Harry Potter, I was left completely alone. I was in solitude. He didn't care for me enough to leave someone to take care of me, or even tell someone about me. At the age of one, I was left to fend for myself. I couldn't even walk, let alone talk and take care of myself!

"The only reason I'm here right now is because of Draco's mother. Since Lucius was a loyal death eater, Narcissa was always there with him as well. She was the one who found me because she'd been at my dad's place and had heard crying from one of the rooms. She found me and wanted to take me in, but Lucius shared the same exact views on me like my father did. Narcissa hid me away with another wizarding family, who I stayed with for a little while. They were people that were interested in the muggle world, and wanted to share their knowledge about it with me," Mattheo spilled.

He continued and said, "I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could learn something from the muggle world, learn how to do something that I could use to stop and kill my father with if he ever came back. I mean, now that I know how to drive, I could just attempt to run him over. I sought out an answer, something that I could use to defeat him that didn't involve magic. That's why I know how to drive. Pretty interesting story, isn't it?"

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now